Irritable Bowel Syndrome May Be Both a Chemical and Mechanical Issue

When doctors narrow down and label your gastrointestinal issues as IBS, what they are really saying is, they don’t know what’s wrong with you! You cannot really blame them for being idiopathic — just the small and large intestine alone can stretch out to 27 feet! Finding what is causing your gastrointestinal issues can sometimes […]

Stunt Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth Forever

  Understanding gastrointestinal issues is in its infancy stage for BOTH medical doctors AND functional medicine. My gastroenterologist told me it may take another decade before her profession gets a grasp of it. And that includes bacterial overgrowth, specifically Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO). In this article, I will discuss what SIBO is, how and […]

Out Ulcerative Colitis Fire Forever!

  Science defines Ulcerative Colitis as an incurable, autoimmune, chronic, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). I have no idea what they are talking about — do you? I do agree that it is an inflammatory condition, often affecting different parts of the colon — but I have no idea what the phrase “autoimmune disease” means, and […]

Deflate Fatty Liver disease!

  Many people have fatty liver and don’t even know it. When someone says, “fatty liver”, most people don’t know what that means — including the person saying it! To my understanding, it means everything: fatty acids, like triglycerides, phosphatidylcholine, cholesterol esters, bilirubin, dead red blood cell remnants, iron waste and water! In other words, […]

The Other Herbs I Love

  Five years ago, I wrote about nine of my most cherished herbs. Now, I will list sixteen more.   Bhumi Amalaki: I previously wrote about herbs good for the liver, like kutki, eclipta alba and guduchi. Now I’ll add another ayurvedic herb, Bhumi Amalaki. This herb goes well with kutki, in rejuvenating a dying, […]

Histamine Intolerance Defused

Do not be fooled — our body needs histamine.  We need histamine to help secrete stomach acid, to contract the lungs, gut wall and uterus, to dilate blood vessels so as to manage blood pressure and nutrient distribution. Histamine is involved in the sleep-wake cycle, to keep us up and alert. We also need histamine […]

Safest, Most Nutritious Foods

  Many health-conscious people deciding to give up on junk food and eat healthy, with fruits and vegetables and other things, like nuts, suddenly realize their health condition has gotten worse. How could this be? We are told to eat our leafy greens if we want to stay heathy! The problem is though, not all […]

Copper: the Great [Trace Mineral]

  Though all trace minerals are important and incremental to health, copper is perhaps the most powerful and versatile one of them all! Copper is the spark plug of the human body that keeps the cells energized and reinvigorated. Many ailments, from amenorrhea, lethargy to Alzheimer’s,  will see improvement quickly by just adding a little […]

Be Set Free from Edema

Edema is a symptom that the body gives us to tell there is something wrong with a major organ. Edema is the manifestation that happens when inside the cells and outside the cells are saturated with water, like a busted pipe within our tissues and organs. This edema can affect anywhere in the body — […]

Rise-Up Against Osteoarthritis

  There are three, or four, stages to osteoarthritis: stage one, which is painful, stage two, which is very painful, and stage three, which is excruciatingly painful. These stages are classified as minor, moderate and severe. But since any form of osteoarthritis is never minor to its victim, some medical intervention has renamed these: early, […]