Dangerous Supplements

A supplement made in a laboratory — which most of them are — is a chemically inert and non-electrical substance that won’t do our bodies any good. Here I will be discussing popular supplements that people think are helpful to their health, but that may actually be making their situation worse 😕



You should be very proud of yourself if you do not know much about allulose, because you don’t want to know anything about it! It’s that bad!
Allulose is synthetic poison — a sugar substitute,  made in a lab, using GMO corn!
The FDA allowed manufacturers to NOT put it on labels in 2019, even though it may be in the product. Why?
When someone says allulose does not break down as carbohydrates and other sugars as fast, what they are really saying is they do not know what it does!
Another name for allulose is D-ribo-2-hexulose…any more questions?
Allulose increases the size of the liver and kidneys over time — just as heart disease increases the size of the heart, over time.
Beware of artificial sweeteners and sugar alcohols.  It would have been better had you just stuck to plain old sugar if you knew what some of these other synthetic products are doing to your body.

Aloe Vera 

I’d rather see recommendations in a complete format — such as most aloe vera sold on the market (99%) are filled with 99% water 😮😮😢
We should also address the issue that unadulterated aloe vera have allergens (anthraquinones), which are latex-like chemicals that must be removed to prevent allergic reactions ⚔️ George’s Aloe Vera removes anthraquinones.

Alpha Lipoic Acid

Be careful with alpha lipoic acid. You may want to get the one from Germany and NOT the usual, China. It’s R-lipoic acid, NOT A-lipoic acid. The former is considered much more bioavailable and “natural” to the human body.
Also, alpha lipoic acid — even though it is an antioxidant — can make problems worse if you have heavy metals in your system. Be careful if you have lead, arsenic, cadmium and especially mercury! Those of you with mercury fillings should avoid alpha lipoic acid at all cost.

B Vitamins (synthetic)

B vitamins improve peoples’ health dramatically, so they keep taking it. Have you ever read the label on B vitamins?: the mg or mcg is usually hundreds or thousands of the daily recommendations! We can’t be taking these things everyday; at such high doses!

The only B vitamin I will consider is:

B Stress Complex by Food Research

Because it is made from real food.

And I have a problem with methyl B12 because if someone’s methylation is not working correctly, then methyl B12 won’t work correctly either. That’s when I consider: adenosylcobalamin (B12) or hydroxocobalamin (B12).


Do not consume calcium supplements, especially calcium carbonate — it turns everything into stone. It makes everything hard, literally. It makes stool hard (constipation), it makes arteries hard (calcification), it makes sleeping hard (insomnia); it makes kidneys hard (kidney stones). Many people take calcium to make bones hard, but that may just be the one thing taking calcium supplements don’t do. Mineralizing bone is a complicated process that involves a synchronistic balancing act between other minerals, such as boron, silica, magnesium, and even vitamin K. Bottom line, get your calcium from food — do not take calcium supplements!


I was diagnosed with fatty liver recently, and I’ve been using choline. But not just any choline — it must be foodbase: Choline Complex by Food Research.

Before anyone rushes out to buy synthetic choline and then use thousands of milligrams of it – think.
Think moderation: choline no more than 500mg per day — and food-base

Choline = trimethylglycine = betaine.
Synthetic choline (choline chloride or choline bitartrate) = salt
Either one works, AT FIRST. But continuous use of HIGH DOSE choline salts lead to liver and heart damage!


Many people think of cinnamon positively for its purported health benefits. And yes, cinnamon has many health benefits, such as managing blood sugar. But it must be the right form of cinnamon. True cinnamon a.k.a. Ceylon cinnamon is the right type, though more expensive than the wrong type. The wrong type is called cassia a.k.a. Chinese cinnamon. Cassia cinnamon contains a natural compound called coumarin, that may lead to liver damage for some people at just one single teaspoon per day. Most cinnamon sold on the American market is the cassia type — the bad type!


I agree the best way to take glutathione is transdermal. The body knows what it wants — and sometimes through the skin is the best way to accomplish that!
I once was infatuated with glutathione. But not really anymore. Glutathione is like a sports car — it uses up a lot of gasoline; that translates to meaning it uses up a lot of minerals, like magnesium, selenium, molybdenum, choline, and copper. So if you love glutathione, you also better love being minerally depleted 😮
I’m fully aware that glutathione makes people feel dramatically better at first. So go ahead, and finish that bottle! But on an ongoing basis, I’d rather get my glutathione from natural sources, like from Germany’s favorite vegetable:
asparagus ⚔️⚓

Hydroxyapatite toothpaste 

I looked up nano hydroxyapatite [Nano-HA],  and my conclusion is to not use it. Yes, it may make your teeth look and feel better, but that’s where the benefits ends!
In theory, it sounds good. Used by NASA for astronauts,  yes. The problem is this product is synthetic,  not approved by the FDA and banned by the European union because of legitimate health concerns.
I learned years ago, anything that says “nano” should always be treated with caution. Think about it, hydroxyapatite is a very hard substance,  that has been powdered down to nanoparticles. It is still a hard substance,  whether in the form of a rock, or nano particles. These particles can and will get lodged in organs and tissues and may cause irreversible damage. I think fluoride — not fluorine — is very bad, but I think Nano-HA is even worse.


Not only do we need to worry about sugar, but also the amount of synthetic iron being added to products. That synthetic iron is as rusty as it sounds — it’s not like the iron found in plants or animals. And if you have fatty liver, it will keep it fatty. The human body only excretes about 1 mg of iron per day — which is the same amount needed to replace! If a product states more than 1 mg of iron per serving, I don’t buy it. Lots of breakfast cereals have 8 to 18 mg per serving, or more! There are videos of people being able to stick metal forks and spoons to their bodies I hypothesize because of consuming so much….iron! Iron is a magnetic mineral.

Even if you were told you’re anemic, or if you think you are, think twice before using any iron supplement. Anemia has many causes, like a vitamin B2, B6, B12 and folate or copper deficiency! That iron supplement may just be as rusty as it sounds!


When it comes to taking minerals, manganese is not one that usually comes to mind — nor should it. Though manganese is an extremely important mineral for health, obtaining it only from food source should be your sole option. We often forget that many dietary minerals are sourced from metals. And manganese is indeed a metal. This manganese is used for making steel, as a gasoline additive, animal feed supplement and component of some fertilizers. Manganese toxicity is suspected in the onset of the neurodegenerative disease Alzheimer’s and can lead to permanent brain damage. Inhaling manganese from gas source can cause lung damage. The bacteria that causes Lyme disease uses manganese as a fuel source. Bottom line, if you need manganese, get it from food source, like adzuki beans, oats and sunflower seeds.


The problem with supplement synthetic melatonin is that it’s in milligrams, however our body produces this hormone in picograms, which is billions of times less than milligrams. Furthermore, Coenzyme A formed from vitamin B5 is needed to properly synthesize melatonin. Synthetic melatonin in high doses may disrupt vitamin B5 levels in the body.

Synthetic melatonin, which is not approved by the FDA, may also increase the risk for high blood pressure, diabetes and seizures for certain susceptible individuals.

If you insist on taking melatonin supplement,  go with a plant based form, at low dosage, like Herbatonin 0.3 mg.


After carefully considering this, I have decided to add Spirulina to the list of dangerous supplements! Why?

If you are a miner or construction worker exposed to toxins, such as silica (silicosis), manganese (manganism) or arsenic, then you need Spirulina! Spirulina contains phycobiliprotein pigments called allophycocyanin and phycocyanin. Phycocyanin may have a scavenging and anti-inflammatory effect, mopping up toxins throughout the body.  The problem with Spirulina is that most products sold on the market are dead Spirulina. That’s why they are so smelly and disgusting tasting. Spirulina kept raw, fresh, frozen or freeze dried is tasteless and scentless — the way it should be. Furthermore, Spirulina is easily contaminated, and contains a pseudo B12 that may interfere with your body’s true B12 reserves. This makes Spirulina for temporary use only under any circumstances!

If you are looking for raw, fresh, frozen or freeze dried Spirulina, SpiraVeg Spirulina is the one for you.

Vitamin A as retinyl palmitate

Many people are afraid of the sun because they believe it causes cancer. Though the sun has been known since the dawn of time to be the birth of life, there is at least one modern invention that can be traced back to our sun’s bad reputation: retinyl palmitate!

Retinyl palmitate has been added to cosmetics and sunscreen lotion and may be one of the instigators behind the perception that the sun causes cancer.  I once overdosed on this supplement once and almost went into a coma. Retinyl palmitate may also be the instigator behind certain forms of liver and kidney diseases. Retinyl palmitate is the storage form of vitamin A in the body — not the active, usable form. And this synthetic lab version can and does causes problems. If you want a sunscreen, try coconut oil. If you want real vitamin A, a.k.a. retinol, then get it from real food. Sea buckthorn berry oil is also an excellent source of pre vitamin A that can be converted in the body to retinol.

Vitamin C as ascorbic acid

About eighty percent (80%) of the ascorbic acid sold on the world market is made in China. If you think vitamin C and ascorbic acid are the same thing, you are sadly mistaken. This ascorbic acid is usually made from GMO corn starch mixed with sulfuric acid. True vitamin C is so important, that many wild animals make it internally on their own — and it surely isn’t GMO corn starch mixed with sulfuric acid!

Real vitamin C — from whole-food — is a complex that include bioflavonoids, choline, vitamin K and an enzymatic copper atom complex called tyrosinase.

If your supplement vitamin C bottle reads “ascorbic acid” as the main ingredient, it is synthetic and not real vitamin C!

My preferred source of vitamin C include amla and acerola. Two companies I buy from are:

C Complex by Food Research

Natural Black Currant by Lifestream (New Zealand grown).

Vitamin D

Some years ago, I found out that my vitamin D level was 13 😮

So my doctor put me on 10k IUs per day!

I was on vitamin D supplements for 4 years then and afterwards, almost never missing a day!

My D levels rose over 60 ng/ml.

Yes vitamin D can miraculously make us feel better if we are deficient.

But there’s a catch 😮

Low vitamin D does not mean you need to start taking vitamin D 🤔🤔🤔

Low vitamin D level means you need the co-factors to produce active vitamin D 😮😮🤔

What are the cofactors of vitamin D?

Magnesium, vitamin K and retinol!

Magnesium and retinol are needed to activate vitamin D, else the kidneys can’t convert it to its active form.

Just by supplementing on magnesium will actually increase your vitamin D level, even without taking vitamin D 😮

As I was saying, there’s a catch.

I no longer supplement on vitamin D, and my vitamin D level is in the low 30s [ng/ml]. And that is actually where everyone should be! Not the 60s, 70s or 80s as is popularly believed.

When I was supplementing on vitamin D, I never felt better! And I never felt worse 😳🤔

Taking too much vitamin D will actually deplete you of the things needed to activate vitamin D: magnesium, vitamin K, retinol 😮

So now you have a magnesium deficiency by taking vitamin D!

The left atrium of the heart is concentrated with magnesium more so than any other part of the human body! Don’t be surprised if someone drops dead of a heart attack by taking too much vitamin D!

Vitamin E as Tocotrienols

Tocotrienols was discovered some 40 years after tocopherol — the latter being the standard form of vitamin E. Do you know why? To be honest, I’m not sure if tocotrienols is even real vitamin E. Found naturally in only few sources, tocotrienols is mostly sourced from annatto (from achiote tree seeds) — the aforementioned also being approved by the FDA as a “natural” food coloring! I really do not believe we know enough about this new discovery of vitamin E — “we” being you, me or any scientist who thinks they do. Too much of it may even disrupt organ function! While standard tocopherol is ubiquitous throughout the body, tocotrienols is used sparingly both in nature and in the body. To end the confusion, get real vitamin E from real food: asparagus (and maybe occasionally from a small amount of organic sunflower seeds).

Vitamin K2

I recently found out something: when we take vitamin k2 Mk7 supplements, it lasts for typically 3 days in our system. What I found out is that taking vitamin K2 every day is like piling up K2 on-top of k2. So we should probably be supplementing every 3rd day, instead of every day.
What I actually found out is that continuous daily supplementing can lead to atrial fibrillation, which can then lead to blood clots, which can then lead to a stroke 😮😮😮
Furthermore, K2 must be always consumed in the bioactive all-trans form. Most supplements on the market is in the mixed cis/trans form, which is NOT biologically compatible to our cells ⚔️


We are often cautioned when using chelators like EDTA and activated charcoal — because such can deplete well needed minerals from our bodies. Someone should have warned us of taking zinc in high doses too — because such can act as a chelator, depleting us of needed minerals. If you are taking zinc supplements, stick to the RDI of 8 mg for women and 11 mg for men. Those taking zinc in milligrams of 15, 25, 30, 50 or 100 are setting themselves up for disaster. Excess synthetic zinc may also increase men’s risk for prostate cancer!