Out Ulcerative Colitis Fire Forever!


Science defines Ulcerative Colitis as an incurable, autoimmune, chronic, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). I have no idea what they are talking about — do you? I do agree that it is an inflammatory condition, often affecting different parts of the colon — but I have no idea what the phrase “autoimmune disease” means, and neither do they! In this article however, I will discuss that UC is much more than that and the ways to out the fire forever!

Ulcerative colitis is a devastating condition — when you hear inflammation of the rectum and colon, what that really means for some people is pain all over, abdominal cramps, loss of appetite, fever, fatigue, weight loss, bile duct scarring and intermittent bloody diarrhea! Some in desperation have tried fecal transplant from healthy donors in order to restore their own healthy microbiome. What ulcerative colitis really is is stress on fire — your stress level is so high, it’s setting the colon on fire. This could be physical, emotional or metabolic stress. When it is metabolic stress, combined with physical stress, HCL, stomach acid, is leaking into the intestines without being diluted by the bile from the gallbladder and the sodium bicarbonate from the pancreas. Both bile and sodium bicarbonate neutralizes stomach acid because they are alkaline. But in the case of ulcerative colitis, this process is greatly compromised, creating an abnormal acidic environment.

To heal ulcerative colitis is like healing histamine “intolerance “. Even microwave food may cause flare ups. Fermented foods will definitely cause flare ups. Cabbage juice will most likely cause flare ups. Eggs, dairy, onion, garlic and black pepper will cause flare ups. Even taking certain supplements will cause flare ups. Of course, toxins from hot plastic bottles and forever chemicals will cause flare ups. Vegetables should be mostly cooked…fruits should be taken away from other foods to prevent fermentation.

The hydrogen/sulfur connection

Ulcerative colitis can happen when there is a dysregulation of hydrogen and sulfur. We don’t hear about hydrogen being talked about often, nor sulfur. But hydrogen is everywhere — in stomach acid, in water, food and particularly in the colon, where it interacts with fiber and short chain fatty acids and is recycled back into the body. A dysregulation causes hydrogen to turn into the inflammatory hydrogen peroxide. Sulfur is also needed for cellular metabolism and waste clearing. There is even a medication called sulfasalazine used in UC.

So Ulcerative colitis can be compared to a volcano. The primary gases in a volcano are water vapor (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), various forms of hydrogen, like hydrogen sulfide, and sulfur dioxide (SO2) — essentially the same gases involved in UC. When there is a pressure build up of gases within the crater, then there is a volcanic eruption 🌋 When there is a pressure build up of gases from toxins in the colon, then there is an Ulcerative colitis “eruption”!

A dysregulation of hydrogen and sulfur is caused by a dysfunctional gut, liver, spleen and pancreas, not able to metabolize nutrients in food properly. Thus calcium, phosphorus, copper, zinc and iron become nothing more than toxic metals, rather than the minerals they are suppose to be. Now we have inflammation of the colon and bloody diarrhea.

To heal, we need to fix the gut, liver, spleen and pancreas, and we need to make nutrients act like nutrients again.

This may be done by introducing controlled and pure hydrogen back into the body or the things that supports hydrogen production. It also includes adding sulfur without making it turn into the dreaded hydrogen sulfide.

Five great products I will recommend to do all these things are:

Hydroxocobalamin (a B12 that contains hydrogen). It also turns hydrogen sulfide back into sulfate. For temporary use only!

Hydra Shot by Healthy Hydration (a water machine that generates hydrogen while simultaneously removing toxins).

Sulfur. But not just any sulfur — it must be 99.9% pure organic sulfur crystals (MSM).

People are afraid of sulfur because of sulfur sensitivity, but that is due to being low on molybdenum to break down sulfur properly. Foods high in molybdenum that you can include are: black beans, roasted sesame seeds, organic oats and durian.

Clostridium butyricum (a bacteria that turns into SCFA and postbiotics in the colon). UC patients’ microbiome diversity is decreased by some 25% compared to healthy control. Butyrate from the bacteria listed above is the main source of energy in colonic epithelial cells, acting as a short chain fatty acid that feeds all microbiome in the colon.

Anaerobityricum hallii (another butyrate producing bacteria, providing nourishment to the colonic cell wall and microbiome.) May break down acetate, lactate and glucose which then creates butyrate and hydrogen as the final byproducts for the colon.


Ulcerative Colitis is not a digestive issue

Inflammatory Bowel disease (IBD) is actually more than digestive disorders. In fact, they are not digestive disorders at all.

Hidden in the literature of science is that fact that all IBD affect somewhere else, or even started somewhere else. It is called:

Extraintestinal Manifestation (EIM)

What does “extra-” mean? Now what does “Manifestation” mean? In the case of UC, it means:


Yes, Inflammatory Bowel diseases are blood issues — not digestive issues. That is why Ulcerative colitis is associated with anemia. Yet UC is manifested in an explicit way in gastrointestinal terms — but that does not mean it’s a gastrointestinal issue.

Ayurveda knew this all along!

That is why they emphasize herbs, to purify the blood.

It is this toxic and acidic blood, filled with micro-plastic, glyphosate, unbound iron, heavy metals and other things that are passing through many organs. That is why there is joint pain, resembling rheumatoid arthritis (or is it?); that is why there is inflammation and enlargement of the spleen, inflammation of the pancreas, liver, skin and eyes; scarring of the gallbladder and lungs. And that is why there is inflammation of the colon! An Ulcerative colitis colon can be 1000 times more acidic than normal!

There are at least six herbs ayurveda emphasizes to heal Ulcerative Colitis, namely:

Punarnava: very effective for UC and cleansing the blood and entire body

Andrographis: Andrographis paniculata acts as a bitters, which helps free the liver of stones and sludge. Gallstones are a major cause of UC.

Guduchi: reduces uric acid, and both alkalinize and detoxify the body

Manjistha: an Ayurvedic herb, will prevent the stomach from spilling undiluted HCL into the colon. It also helps alkalinize an overly acidic colon.

Turmeric: an ayurvedic herb that helps reduce unbound iron, and reduces inflammation.

Ginger: enhances the effectiveness of these other herbs.


Frozen or freeze dried Spirulina

As if all that wasn’t enough (or was it?), we have to add Spirulina! Spirulina acts like a sponge, mopping up toxins and anything undesirable that would foster the conditions necessary for UC to exist. While there is limited studies, Spirulina contains phycocyanin, a compound with strong anti-inflammatory effects, which may help reduce intestinal inflammation, a hallmark of UC. For temporary use only!

Where can you get frozen or freeze dried Spirulina?

SpiraVeg Spirulina


Raw Living Spirulina 


Tests to confirm Ulcerative colitis include: colonoscopy or (the less invasive) sigmoidoscopy, with tissue sample. Another reliable test is: stool calprotectin. All of these will examine and confirm the level of inflammation.

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