Deflate Fatty Liver disease!


Many people have fatty liver and don’t even know it. When someone says, “fatty liver”, most people don’t know what that means — including the person saying it! To my understanding, it means everything: fatty acids, like triglycerides, phosphatidylcholine, cholesterol esters, bilirubin, dead red blood cell remnants, iron waste and water! In other words, it means lots of junk is building up in the liver! But the biggest junk is probably triglycerides filled with toxins, which is the main source of fat storage and fat accumulation — hence the term, fatty liver.

Anyone who has fatty liver, needs to look at their ferritin. My ferritin level was once over 280.

Yes, I have had fatty liver!

I have had fatty liver since fatty liver was not even in style — back in the 1980’s when I was 10 years old! I was blood poisoned (I believe) by painful injections in the buttocks, to supposedly manage my asthma condition!


Ferritin affects liver health:

To be clear, ferritin protein is where the body first stores excess iron. Do you know how much ions of iron one single ferritin complex carries? Up to 4500! So if your ferritin level is 50, multiply that by 4500 irons!
Now if your ferritin is 280, multiply that by 4500 iron ions!

Do you know what fatty liver is?: so much ferritin, that it turned into hemosiderin! Hemosiderin is the antarctic of iron waste. It is a graveyard of iron and dead lysosomes stuck in the south pole — actually, I meant, liver! In other words, when the body can no longer store excess iron in the ferritin complexes, it is forced to store it in this second option: hemosiderin. This hemosiderin storage system is hard on the body, especially the liver. And, it is hard to get rid of excess iron once it’s stored as hemosiderin.

Don’t get me wrong: low ferritin can also be distressing: it means the spleen is not recycling iron properly! But that can be simply resolved by consuming copper or wholefood vitamin C!
Does anyone know how to get out of the antarctic?


Enzymes affect liver health:

When doctors talk about liver enzymes, they are not only talking about the familiar AsT and ALt — they are also talking about such hardly ever tested enzyme(s) as GGT [Gamma-glutamyl transferase]. Actually, most doctors probably don’t even remember what GGT is! Often high when there is toxins in the blood such as from medication or alcohol or when there is hepatitis, cirrhosis, pancreatic obstruction or bile flow obstruction, GGT insures delivery of amino acids that make the powerful antioxidant glutathione. These amino acids include: glutamate, cysteine (cystine) and glycine.


Protein affects liver health:

What we also need to talk about is not only the liver enzymes, but also, the proteins produced by the liver. They also tell a lot by their too high or too low levels — such proteins as serum albumin and globulins! Abnormal numbers of these proteins may signal🚦 some type of dehydration, or worse, liver dysfunction. Chronic liver disease is characterized by a fall in serum albumin concentration and a rise in serum globulins.


Gallbladder health is affected by liver health:

Another thing needs mentioning is not only the liver — that very large organ, but its pipeline: the gallbladder!

Many people have liver issues because the gallbladder is stuck with sludge or gallstones! Can you imagine your kitchen sink pipe clogged with chewing gum? Many people nowadays are listening to their doctors recommend having their gallbladders removed, as if gallbladder surgery was an ice-cream treat! Removing your gallbladder is the same thing as removing the sac that holds bile that is needed to digests fats.

That’s why I also look at bilirubin levels — specifically direct bilirubin, to make sure gallbladder is opened (3mm) and working properly. Too high bilirubin (a “compound” from heme, produced in the liver) means gallbladder is clogged! That’s why I use chanca piedra or bhumi amla to unclog the gall-pipe!


The history of fatty liver:

There was once a time when doctors would only entertain the term fatty liver if someone consumed alcohol. If you did not fit that category and still complained that you may have fatty liver, then these doctors would say, “Oh, you don’t know what you’re talking about! Stop complaining and enjoy life!” It was only after repeated and vehement complaints that science then began to realize there is fatty liver beyond alcohol fatty liver disease. They labeled it: nonalcoholic fatty liver disease or NAFLD.

As time went by, NAFLD became nonalcoholic steatohepatitis or NASH. As more time went by, NASH became something that led to metabolic dysfunction -associated steatohepatitis or MASH in 2023 because, “nonalcoholic” and “fatty” seemed as if stigmatizing and trivializing the disease, they thought. In other words, science still could not make up its mind about what fatty liver disease is!

And to complicate things even more, we have another new term — i.e., liver disease caused from environmental toxins: toxicant-associated fatty liver disease (TAFLD), which can then lead to toxicant-associated steatohepatitis (TASH), which a more severe form of TAFLD.


Liver disease progression:

To simplify things for the purpose of this article, there are three grades of fatty liver: mild, moderate and severe, with up to 1/3, 2/3 and 3/3 of fat deposit and fat accumulation, respectively. And there are progressive stages to fatty liver:

– Simple fatty liver (fat only)

– Steatohepatitis (fat accompanied with inflammation)

– Fibrosis (chronic inflammation) 

– Cirrhosis (widespread scarring that greatly impairs liver function).

Much of this is fixable, yes. But severe fatty liver disease with cirrhosis is going to need a lot of work. Be optimistic, but do not be fooled if someone tells you, “the liver is the only organ that regenerates itself and if you cut off a part of it, it will simply grow back!” Welcome them to the real world 🌎 — the liver won’t do anything good unless you work hard enough to fix it!


Reverse fatty liver disease:

Luckily, nature has provided ways to accelerate reversing fatty liver disease. It is called herbs! I have studied for years and tried to find the best answers to what the best things to reverse fatty liver disease are. And I think I’ve found them.

It is not milk thistle. Milk thistle is good for liver that is already healthy. It is not burdock root either — though that can be helpful. It is not artichoke extract or swedish bitters either. Yet those can be helpful. 

The herbs that I like to focus on at reversing fatty liver are from ayurveda: kutki and Bhumi amla!

Kutki is a bitter herb that works like a mechanic, going into liver cells, and bringing them back to life. Bhumi amla is like a drainage plunger, unclogging gunk out of the gallbladder.

But there are other things necessary to accelerate reversing fatty liver disease. They are: choline and  IP6-inosotol.

Choline helps remove fat from the liver, while IP6-inositol helps remove excess iron from the liver. Excess iron is a major cause of fatty liver disease and liver inflammation! Phlebotomy through blood donation can also relieve the body of excess iron in the blood.


And of course, eat healthily and properly:

If you have fatty liver disease, junk food and excess sweets are a no no. Excess alcohol is a no no. Eating excess amounts of animal meat is a no no. Animal protein may raise insulin levels to intolerable levels. Excess dairy and eggs are a no no. And foods high in oxalates is a no no. I have compiled a list of the safest, most nutritious foods! If you have fatty liver, you need to load up on B vitamins, as with the choline previously mentioned, but also particularly vitamins B2 (riboflavin) and B5 (pantothenic acid) — found in organic bee pollen — to accelerate the healing process of a damaged liver. Other nutrients include magnesium, copper and phosphorus.


Sugar, sugar substitutes, and sugar alcohol may also contribute to fatty liver disease:

When someone says something like too much sugar causes fatty liver, I think one detail in that means, too much high fructus corn syrup and the nasty Maltodextrin that usually comes with it, contributes to fatty liver! So does aspartame. If you like sweet things, look for pure organic honey, coconut sugar, palm sugar, molasses, or even plain old cane sugar. These other sugars, such as sugar alcohols and artificial sweeteners are destroying peoples’ livers! Monk fruit (sugar) is up for debate, since it is usually combined with other sugar alcohols to make it taste like sugar.

So, what should you do?:

– If possible, get an ultrasound for the liver.

– Get a blood test checking for:

– Ferritin: should be less than 75

– Ast and ALt should be less than 20

– GGT: should be less than 30

– Serum albumin: should be between 4.1 and 4.8

– Globulin: should be between 2.2 and 2.8

– Direct bilirubin: should be less than 0.3



Bhumi amla 



IP6- Inositol 


– Phlebotomy 


Eat health, limiting alcohol, sweets and excess animal protein. Pay special attention to food containing vitamins B2 and B5. Also magnesium, copper and phosphorus rich food are beneficial to help heal a fatty liver.

The Other Herbs I Love


Five years ago, I wrote about nine of my most cherished herbs. Now, I will list sixteen more.


Bhumi Amalaki: I previously wrote about herbs good for the liver, like kutki, eclipta alba and guduchi. Now I’ll add another ayurvedic herb, Bhumi Amalaki. This herb goes well with kutki, in rejuvenating a dying, fatty liver. In Peru, it’s known as chanca piedra — the stone breaker. If you want to protect your gallbladder from gallstones or surgery, think Bhumi Amalaki. It is also protective of the kidneys — removing excess oxalate crystals. These features will also relieve chronic abdominal pain and painful urination.

Bhumi Amalaki may also be useful for those suffering from diabetes, Hepatitis B, and HIV.

Other names: phyllanthus niruri, Bhumi amla


Jiaogulan: an herb originating from Southern China, this is known as the “Immortality herb”. People who drink this herb as a tea, seem to live longer, healthier lives. Containing 82 saponins called gypenosides, it is extremely useless for those with both pre-diabetes and diabetes. May also reduce visceral and subcutaneous fat.

Other names: Gynostemma Pentaphyllum, Southern Ginseng


Astragalus: this herb shares certain similarities with Jiaogulan — also sharing anti-aging characteristics, presumably by keeping the telomeres of cells healthy. Astragalus is famously known as a kidney cleanser, reducing protein loss, while increasing excretion of unwanted uric acid. This consequently improves blood pressure and heart function.


Andrographis: known as the “King of bitters” for a reason: because it is a very bitter herb. This bitterness helps make everything else sweet: improving arthritic conditions, such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Its immune system regulator and strengthening abilities help improve many conditions: asthma, flu, common cold, bronchitis, COPD, COVID, TB, Lyme disease and even malaria. The key is to taking this herb at the onset of these conditions — preferably within 72 hours.

There is also credible evidence that andrographis may show improvement of the hard to treat inflammatory bowel disease Ulcerative colitis.

There is also credible evidence that this herb may show beneficial for certain cancers!

Other names: Andrographis paniculata, Green chiretta, Kalmegh


Pau d’arco: from the Amazon rainforest of South America and the inner bark of the tabebuia tree, while improving immune system function, this herb is famous for relieving candida overgrowth in women. Containing compounds known as naphthoquinones, it is known for being anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and maybe even anti-cancer!

Do not consume in high doses!

Other names: Tabebuia avellanedae, Taheebo and Lapacho


Neem: like andrographis, an extremely bitter herb from ayurveda. For temporary use only — may dry the body and skin. Not for pregnant or breastfeeding women, as may cause spontaneous abortion. Very antiparasitic, antiviral, antibacterial, antiseptic,  antifungal and anti infection. Purifies the blood and may reduce blood sugar.


Punarnava: like andrographis, may be good for Ulcerative colitis due to its anti inflammatory properties. May also be helpful for Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Literally meaning “the one that renews”, punarnava has a whole body cleansing effect, including as a diuretic. May also be helpful for weight loss and those with Rheumatoid arthritis.

Other names: Boerhaavia diffusa


African Geranium: from South Africa, very antibacterial and antiviral and proven exceptionally effective for upper respiratory tract infections: common cold, laryngitis (voice box), pharyngitis (sore throat), rhinosinusitis (sinuses); and even lower respiratory tract infections: acute bronchitis; tuberculosis.

Other names: Pelargonium sidoides, South African geranium, Umckaloabo (a brand name)


Mullein: like African geranium, helps with inflammation and infections of the lungs. As an expectorant, may reduce mucus. Very useful and effective for those suffering from sleep apnea. May also be helpful in treating other inflammation and infections throughout the body, including ear infections.


Arjuna: from ayurveda and from the bark of the Terminalia arjuna tree, this herb contains triterpene glycosides that may improve heart function and reduce chest pain. Other compounds have been isolated like arjunetoside, oleanolic and arjunic acids, that may contribute to improvement of the left ventricle of the heart, thus improving blood flow throughout the entire body.


Dan shen: like Arjuna, a Chinese (TCM) herb that may improve heart function by reducing excess platelets in the blood. Excess platelets causes congestion in the blood and make blood flow harder. As a consequence of this herb, blood becomes thinner and blood vessels become wider. All of this manifests as reduced chest pain, blood pressure, heart attack and stroke.

Other names: Salvia miltiorrhizao, Chinese Red Sage


Hawthorn: like Dan shen, hawthorn is good for the heart. Flavonoids like rutin and quercetin may help heart muscle contract better, increasing blood and oxygen supply to the heart muscle. This may thus decrease chest pain or irregular heartbeat. May also be a credible option for those suffering from the beginning stages of heart failure.

The most effective part of this herb for improving heart conditions is the flowers. Leafs and berries can also be used but are less effective.


Blue Vervain: this is the herb for anxiety, depression and insomnia. Known for its calming effect on the nervous system, the verbenalin, an iridoid glycosides, in blue vervain may increase sleep onset and duration. One side effect may be strange dreams or nightmares.

Blue vervain may also be effective against epilepsy, including the classic tonic-clonic seizures.

Other names: Verbena hastata, American vervain

[Should not be confused with its sister plant, common vervain — the European plant version (aka Verbena officinalis).]


Dragon’s Blood: a natural red resin (from tree sap), often used in rituals, extracted from a variety of tropical trees called Dragon trees, primarily, Croton lechleri. Commonly used for digestive issues including internal ulcers. Has antimicrobial properties and can help heal receding gum if used as a mouth rinse. Also used for external ulcers, and other skin wound to accelerate healing. May reduce arthritic pain when used topically.

If used internally, for short term use only — about one week at a time.

Other names: Sangre de Grado


Persian Saffron: known as the sunshine spice and the most expensive spice in the world. Effective for anxiety and depression, this spice is known for providing relief of PMS symptoms in women, even by just inhaling the herb. It may also improve sleep quality, reduce cravings, and manage diabetes. May also lubricate sex organs and increase sexual desire.

Pregnant women should not use this spice!

Saffron has many fake competition, so it is important to do research to make sure you’re getting authentic saffron. Look for saffron from Persian or Iranian origin.

Even though saffron may show beneficial in tackling certain degenerative diseases, like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, and also in certain cancers, it is important to remember that saffron is a spice, and should only be used safely in small amounts, at about 15 mg twice per day.

Other names: Crocus sativus


Fenugreek: like saffron, may also increase sexual desire in both sexes, by balancing hormones like estrogen and testosterone. May manage blood sugar and diabetes by slowing sugar absorption in the stomach and stimulating insulin more effectively. Increases milk supply in breastfeeding women. High in iron, excess may cause gastrointestinal issues.


Caution should be taken while using herbs with any medication, if pregnant or breastfeeding and two weeks before surgery. Typical side effects — though rare — may include: nausea, vomiting, dizziness, stomach upset, skin rash, anemia, constipation and/or diarrhea.