Deflate Fatty Liver disease!


Many people have fatty liver and don’t even know it. When someone says, “fatty liver”, most people don’t know what that means — including the person saying it! To my understanding, it means everything: fatty acids, like triglycerides, phosphatidylcholine, cholesterol esters, bilirubin, dead red blood cell remnants, iron waste and water! In other words, it means lots of junk is building up in the liver! But the biggest junk is probably triglycerides filled with toxins, which is the main source of fat storage and fat accumulation — hence the term, fatty liver.

Anyone who has fatty liver, needs to look at their ferritin. My ferritin level was once over 280.

Yes, I have had fatty liver!

I have had fatty liver since fatty liver was not even in style — back in the 1980’s when I was 10 years old! I was blood poisoned (I believe) by painful injections in the buttocks, to supposedly manage my asthma condition!


Ferritin affects liver health:

To be clear, ferritin protein is where the body first stores excess iron. Do you know how much ions of iron one single ferritin complex carries? Up to 4500! So if your ferritin level is 50, multiply that by 4500 irons!
Now if your ferritin is 280, multiply that by 4500 iron ions!

Do you know what fatty liver is?: so much ferritin, that it turned into hemosiderin! Hemosiderin is the antarctic of iron waste. It is a graveyard of iron and dead lysosomes stuck in the south pole — actually, I meant, liver! In other words, when the body can no longer store excess iron in the ferritin complexes, it is forced to store it in this second option: hemosiderin. This hemosiderin storage system is hard on the body, especially the liver. And, it is hard to get rid of excess iron once it’s stored as hemosiderin.

Don’t get me wrong: low ferritin can also be distressing: it means the spleen is not recycling iron properly! But that can be simply resolved by consuming copper or wholefood vitamin C!
Does anyone know how to get out of the antarctic?


Enzymes affect liver health:

When doctors talk about liver enzymes, they are not only talking about the familiar AsT and ALt — they are also talking about such hardly ever tested enzyme(s) as GGT [Gamma-glutamyl transferase]. Actually, most doctors probably don’t even remember what GGT is! Often high when there is toxins in the blood such as from medication or alcohol or when there is hepatitis, cirrhosis, pancreatic obstruction or bile flow obstruction, GGT insures delivery of amino acids that make the powerful antioxidant glutathione. These amino acids include: glutamate, cysteine (cystine) and glycine.


Protein affects liver health:

What we also need to talk about is not only the liver enzymes, but also, the proteins produced by the liver. They also tell a lot by their too high or too low levels — such proteins as serum albumin and globulins! Abnormal numbers of these proteins may signal🚦 some type of dehydration, or worse, liver dysfunction. Chronic liver disease is characterized by a fall in serum albumin concentration and a rise in serum globulins.


Gallbladder health is affected by liver health:

Another thing needs mentioning is not only the liver — that very large organ, but its pipeline: the gallbladder!

Many people have liver issues because the gallbladder is stuck with sludge or gallstones! Can you imagine your kitchen sink pipe clogged with chewing gum? Many people nowadays are listening to their doctors recommend having their gallbladders removed, as if gallbladder surgery was an ice-cream treat! Removing your gallbladder is the same thing as removing the sac that holds bile that is needed to digests fats.

That’s why I also look at bilirubin levels — specifically direct bilirubin, to make sure gallbladder is opened (3mm) and working properly. Too high bilirubin (a “compound” from heme, produced in the liver) means gallbladder is clogged! That’s why I use chanca piedra or bhumi amla to unclog the gall-pipe!


The history of fatty liver:

There was once a time when doctors would only entertain the term fatty liver if someone consumed alcohol. If you did not fit that category and still complained that you may have fatty liver, then these doctors would say, “Oh, you don’t know what you’re talking about! Stop complaining and enjoy life!” It was only after repeated and vehement complaints that science then began to realize there is fatty liver beyond alcohol fatty liver disease. They labeled it: nonalcoholic fatty liver disease or NAFLD.

As time went by, NAFLD became nonalcoholic steatohepatitis or NASH. As more time went by, NASH became something that led to metabolic dysfunction -associated steatohepatitis or MASH in 2023 because, “nonalcoholic” and “fatty” seemed as if stigmatizing and trivializing the disease, they thought. In other words, science still could not make up its mind about what fatty liver disease is!

And to complicate things even more, we have another new term — i.e., liver disease caused from environmental toxins: toxicant-associated fatty liver disease (TAFLD), which can then lead to toxicant-associated steatohepatitis (TASH), which a more severe form of TAFLD.


Liver disease progression:

To simplify things for the purpose of this article, there are three grades of fatty liver: mild, moderate and severe, with up to 1/3, 2/3 and 3/3 of fat deposit and fat accumulation, respectively. And there are progressive stages to fatty liver:

– Simple fatty liver (fat only)

– Steatohepatitis (fat accompanied with inflammation)

– Fibrosis (chronic inflammation) 

– Cirrhosis (widespread scarring that greatly impairs liver function).

Much of this is fixable, yes. But severe fatty liver disease with cirrhosis is going to need a lot of work. Be optimistic, but do not be fooled if someone tells you, “the liver is the only organ that regenerates itself and if you cut off a part of it, it will simply grow back!” Welcome them to the real world 🌎 — the liver won’t do anything good unless you work hard enough to fix it!


Reverse fatty liver disease:

Luckily, nature has provided ways to accelerate reversing fatty liver disease. It is called herbs! I have studied for years and tried to find the best answers to what the best things to reverse fatty liver disease are. And I think I’ve found them.

It is not milk thistle. Milk thistle is good for liver that is already healthy. It is not burdock root either — though that can be helpful. It is not artichoke extract or swedish bitters either. Yet those can be helpful. 

The herbs that I like to focus on at reversing fatty liver are from ayurveda: kutki and Bhumi amla!

Kutki is a bitter herb that works like a mechanic, going into liver cells, and bringing them back to life. Bhumi amla is like a drainage plunger, unclogging gunk out of the gallbladder.

But there are other things necessary to accelerate reversing fatty liver disease. They are: choline and  IP6-inosotol.

Choline helps remove fat from the liver, while IP6-inositol helps remove excess iron from the liver. Excess iron is a major cause of fatty liver disease and liver inflammation! Phlebotomy through blood donation can also relieve the body of excess iron in the blood.


And of course, eat healthily and properly:

If you have fatty liver disease, junk food and excess sweets are a no no. Excess alcohol is a no no. Eating excess amounts of animal meat is a no no. Animal protein may raise insulin levels to intolerable levels. Excess dairy and eggs are a no no. And foods high in oxalates is a no no. I have compiled a list of the safest, most nutritious foods! If you have fatty liver, you need to load up on B vitamins, as with the choline previously mentioned, but also particularly vitamins B2 (riboflavin) and B5 (pantothenic acid) — found in organic bee pollen — to accelerate the healing process of a damaged liver. Other nutrients include magnesium, copper and phosphorus.


Sugar, sugar substitutes, and sugar alcohol may also contribute to fatty liver disease:

When someone says something like too much sugar causes fatty liver, I think one detail in that means, too much high fructus corn syrup and the nasty Maltodextrin that usually comes with it, contributes to fatty liver! So does aspartame. If you like sweet things, look for pure organic honey, coconut sugar, palm sugar, molasses, or even plain old cane sugar. These other sugars, such as sugar alcohols and artificial sweeteners are destroying peoples’ livers! Monk fruit (sugar) is up for debate, since it is usually combined with other sugar alcohols to make it taste like sugar.

So, what should you do?:

– If possible, get an ultrasound for the liver.

– Get a blood test checking for:

– Ferritin: should be less than 75

– Ast and ALt should be less than 20

– GGT: should be less than 30

– Serum albumin: should be between 4.1 and 4.8

– Globulin: should be between 2.2 and 2.8

– Direct bilirubin: should be less than 0.3



Bhumi amla 



IP6- Inositol 


– Phlebotomy 


Eat healthy, limiting alcohol, sweets and excess animal protein. Pay special attention to food containing vitamins B2 and B5. Also magnesium, copper and phosphorus rich food are beneficial to help heal a fatty liver.

Optimize Your Testosterone Levels


Testosterone is a hormone — not a male or female hormone — but just a hormone, that simply happens to be produced some 20 times more in men’s testes than in women’s ovaries. It is also a steroid hormone, which means that it’s fat-soluble — allowing it to penetrate and enter directly into cells, as opposed to non-steroid hormones — which sit on the outside of cells. Testosterone is also an anabolic steroid, which means it builds things and supplies things (like protein) for muscle building and (collagen) for bone building. It is also a sex hormone — which means it makes people competitive, aggressive and sometimes unreasonably sensitive. In this article, I will discuss the pathway that decreases testosterone, and the ways to optimize this hormone.

Many articles point out the analysis that testosterone is produced — or rather, manufactured — in the testes of men, and ovaries of women, and adrenal glands of both sexes. But this hormone is greatly affected by the conditions of one particular organ — the largest internal organ: i.e., the liver. Low testosterone levels do not simply indicate that you need to increase your testosterone levels — it indicates that there is some type of malfunction somewhere — highly suspectably initiated in the liver.

But how is testosterone created?

Our body metabolizes cholesterol from the food we eat and from the synthesis of cholesteryl ester that the liver produces. Cholesterol makes hormones, including the hormone pregnenolone. Metabolized pregnenolone is turned into Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and progesterone. DHEA and progesterone are converted into many other hormones, including testosterone. As previously mentioned, testosterone cannot simply be classified as a male hormone because testosterone can and often do turn into estradiol — a form of estrogen (the so called female hormone). In the bone and brain, testosterone is easily converted to estradiol, by the aromatase enzyme. In the central nervous system, it is this estradiol that serves as the most important feedback signal to the hypothalamus. In many animals, it is this estradiol that masculinizes the brain of the male fetus.

Interestingly, testosterone distribution throughout the body appears surprisingly stingy. Most scientific articles you read will say that about 98 percent of testosterone is strongly or weakly bound to proteins, and about 2 percent is free testosterone, ready for immediate use. Unfortunately, much of what they know about the binding up of testosterone by proteins is pure speculation, based off of hypotheses, and not facts. There are many proteins that are responsible for storing and carrying testosterone, the main ones being sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG), human serum albumin (HSA), and to a lesser extent, corticosteroid-binding globulin (CBG) and orosomucoid. And then we have after these, “free testosterone”. But the “binding up” or distribution of testosterone by protein is greatly influenced by age. If SHBG — which has a strong bind — is being bound to testosterone at a rate of 65 percent, then that person must be somewhere around 65 years old — or young and ill. If the SHBG is 49 percent, then you ought to expect that person to be somewhere around 49 years old! So SHBG percentage increases with age.

In fact, after about age 30, men naturally or unnaturally lose testosterone levels by 1 or 2 percent each year thereafter — so by the time he reaches the age of 60, that man would expect a testosterone loss anywhere from 30 to 60 percent. The increase of SHBG is an indicative sign of increased toxic heavy metals and a decrease in liver function. So protein-binding increase, like that of SHBG, should be an indicator of increased age, or increased disease! Furthermore, when there is increased heavy metals and liver dysfunction, that opens the way for testosterone to turn into estradiol. This explains why so many men experience dramatically increased estrogen levels and lowered testosterone levels after age 50.

And there is that mighty co-relation between cholesterol and testosterone. In fact, cholesterol is the raw material of testosterone; and a defect in cholesterol directly affects testosterone. If your cholesterol numbers are uncomfortably high, then your testosterone numbers may show uncomfortably low. Being that that raw material — cholesterol — is made in the liver, and testosterone is made from cholesterol — alas — a testosterone problem is most likely coming from a liver problem! And if your cholesterol numbers are, conversely, uncomfortably low, then this low may be too low for the necessary production of adequate testosterone.

Low testosterone levels may also be indicative — a sign — that the liver is storing too high amounts of free iron. This is not a good thing. The liver does not like to store high, free iron because, this damages said organ. It may surely prove wise to get [one’s] ferritin levels tested. Any level over 60 is indicative of too much free iron being stored in and dispersed by the liver. This nowadays is a major cause of decreased testosterone levels in both men and women.

Generally speaking, men between the ages of 40 to 60 should seek a total testosterone number of over 500; and optimally, over 650. Premenopausal women should aim for around 35, and postmenopausal, around 30 or higher. Testosterone increase may enhance sex-drive for both men and women. Noteworthy, the most accurate testosterone test results is obtained at around 8 am in the morning.

So to optimize your testosterone levels, consider rejuvenating the liver therefore. An ayurvedic herb called kutki will help do that. It is no coincidence that kutki also reduces high LDL and its cholesterol and that that herb reduces oxidation of LDL and cholesterol. Other herbs that may be helpful for the liver are burdock root and artichoke extract.

There are also other herbs that will optimize testosterone and the liver, namely fenugreek and ashwagandha. It is well known that both fenugreek and ashwagandha indirectly provide the raw nutrients that boost and optimize testosterone levels in both sexes — male and female. Ashwagandha, used short term, increases sperm volume in men, muscle size, bone strength and sleep quality in both sexes — critical assets needed for testosterone optimization. Fenugreek increases libido. Fenugreek may also manage glucose levels in the blood and increase insulin sensitivity. This increased insulin sensitivity works in favor with testosterone production.

And there are minerals that optimize testosterone levels — namely zinc, selenium, boron, and magnesium. For example, zinc prevents the aromatase enzyme that turns testosterone into estrogen from that process,  thereby by default, helping to accelerate testosterone and sperm production in the testes. Magnesium and boron help activate free testosterone. It is important that you obtain the right type of mineral, preferably in the natural food-base form, rather than the synthetic. For zinc, try Nutrigold Zinc Gold, for selenium, try Food Research Selenium E, for boron, try Vibrant Health Super Natural Boron, and for magnesium, try malate, taurate, glycinate and/or citrate.

And there are vitamins that optimize testosterone levels — namely vitamin D, E and K — the fat soluble vitamins. It seems as no surprise that testosterone has an affinity to fat soluble vitamins, since testosterone is a fat-soluble hormone.

Still another supplement to consider in boosting testosterone is a natural form of vitamin C. As I’ve stated, one of the binding proteins of testosterone is, corticosteroid-binding globulin. Corticosteroid is a constituent of the hormone cortisol.  An unbalanced rise in cortisol decreases testosterone production. Taking natural vitamin C reduces that rise in cortisol. There is an herb-berry called amla — very popular in ayurveda — that contains both natural vitamin C, polyphenols, and copper. These nutrients work in synergy to help build back a better liver, intestines, lymphatic system and colon — things that are all needed to optimize one’s testosterone levels.

Then we also cannot forget about the B vitamins. The [stress] hormone ADRENALINE turns [on] cortisone (inactive) into cortisol (active). But the body is suppose to turn cortisol back into cortisone to prevent long term damage, with an enzyme called 11beta-Hydroxysteroid. But for this enzyme to work, we need dietary niacin to turn the [NADP] cycle into ATP — and that’s also why so many men AND women are low on testosterone! The bottom-line here is, we need daily and adequate amount of B vitamins!

And finally, to deal with free, unbound iron building in the liver, try IP-6/Inositol (on an empty stomach) for a few months. Keep in mind that IP-6 chelates not only iron — but also other minerals (and vitamins) like calcium and zinc. So be sure to increase these with food-base supplements, or nutrition.

Though they are becoming increasingly popular, I still cannot recommend either pine pollen or the herb tribulus terrestris for testosterone issues. Pine pollen contains natural testosterone, which may — over time — atrophy the testes, ovaries and other organs from producing testosterone naturally. You do not want to add testosterone to your body — you want to harness and encourage the organs that produce it, to optimize it. Therefore, tribulus terrestris comes with too many side effects, and will not directly optimize or boost your testosterone levels; and is best to avoid, unless you are using it for specific other reasons.

So to optimize your testosterone levels, consider fixing the liver with:

  • Kutki (Burdock root or artichoke extract may work as well)

And, to nutritionally build back the body, try: 

  • Fenugreek
  • Ashwagandha
  • Zinc: Food Research Zinc Complex or Nutrigold Zinc Gold
  • Selenium: Food Research Selenium E ***
  • Boron: Vibrant Health Super Natural Boron
  • Magnesium: DaVinci Laboratories TRI-MAG 300
  • Vitamin D: Nutrigold K2+D3 Gold ***
  • Vitamin C: Amla
  • Vitamin B: Nutrigold B Complex Gold or FOOD RESEARCH B Stress Complex
  • IP-6/Inositol

  • ***Vitamin E: see above Food Research Selenium E 
  • ***Vitamin K2: see aboveNutrigold K2+D3 Gold

Defeat Diabetes


Diabetes — type 2 diabetes i.e. — cannot simply be defined as high blood sugar or having too much sugar in the blood. High blood sugar is only a symptom of diabetes. What diabetes really is is a metabolic dysfunction affecting the entire biological system of the body, including the endocrine system, the circulatory system and the lymphatic system. These systems malfunctioned because of a disruption of the flow of energy into cells and the metabolic waste out of cells. We often think of insulin as the hormone that guides glucose into cells. But insulin has a greater, multipurpose task — to guide potassium, magnesium and other minerals out of and back into cells. If there is not adequate potassium or magnesium in these cells, then these cells cannot utilize glucose — the birth of insulin resistance.

So, we see that insulin resistance happens for a reason — because the cells do not have the minerals to metabolize the carbohydrates and protein we digest. You might think the simple solution may be to add potassium and magnesium to our diet, so that insulin can then allow glucose into the cells. But that would be the case only if enough damage has not already been done.

In the days, weeks, months or years that cells were not allowing insulin to usher glucose into them — insulin resistance — these cells were suffering malnutrition and dying. The blood vessels on the farther regions of our body, like the toes and feet, where blood circulation was jeopardized, took the brunt of the hit. Hence we often hear of diabetics becoming amputees. During those years when these cells were suffering from malnutrition, the blood took a hit, with high levels of insulin and glucose roaming, with no place to go, and causing destruction where ever they lay. The blood then became thick. Then the liver took a hit — because the liver needs aging, thin blood to turn into bilirubin and to make bile for that liver. Then the liver took a greater hit, by becoming congested with thick glue-like bilirubin from thick blood, that was not properly becoming the constituent of bile.

Furthermore, the cholesterol ingested from food and made by the liver piled up with no where to go due to the lack of proper bile formation and flow. Then the bile in the liver and gallbladder became sludge. Then the sludge became intrahepatic stones, and extrahepatic stones in the gallbladder. Then the gallbladder became clogged, unable to release bile for digesting fats and other nutrients from foods. Then the cholesterol that constituted a part of bile raised circulating cholesterol numbers because of being stuck in bile. Then our triglycerides — the stored sugars in fat cells — started rising in the liver and in the blood. So now, not only do we have high blood sugar and high insulin, but we also have high blood cholesterol, high bilirubin, high triglycerides, and yes, eventually even high blood pressure!

Then that clogged blood and clogged liver now clogs the pancreas. Now the pancreas which delivers enzymes and hormones across its narrow pancreatic duct or directly into the bloodstream, begins to misfire, producing either too much insulin and then as time goes by, too little insulin. Now not only do we have a fatty liver, from high triglycerides forming — we now have a fatty pancreas, an exhausted fatty pancreas working on overdrive.

Now the lymphatic system which usually drains large metabolic waste, and large protein debris, turns into a highway with a major traffic jam at all of the hundreds of major lymph nodes. This is manifested visibly with an enlarged stomach, and a stiff neck desperately needing a massage.

Then the kidneys — which do the hardest work – filtering junk from the blood, take a hit. They can no longer filter these large particles and other toxins that should have been processed already by the liver, the pancreas and the lymphatic system. The kidneys then become like a clogged fishing net that is unable to drain out the seaweeds of filth caught in the mesh lines of its net. Now we have high uric acid building up in the kidney walls and the ureter, leading to sciatic pain for some people. Now we have kidney stones slowly forming, constituting mainly of calcium, for some other people.

So now we see that diabetes is not just a high blood sugar problem — it is an internal pandemic of great bodily proportion. Reducing sugar intake at this point will not fix the problem — it only delays it. Fixing the problem involves nourishing the cells with the nutrients they need, like potassium, magnesium, copper, zinc and sodium, while simultaneously repairing the damages that cascaded from a lack of such nutrients, and the great damages that high insulin and glucose in the blood created.

Fixing this internal diabetic pandemic involves reshaping a fatty liver into a healthy liver, a fatty pancreas into a vibrant pancreas and opening the pancreatic ducts and bile ducts that have been clogged with sludge or gallstones; and removing uric acid or kidney stones from the walls of the kidneys. All of this involves eating healthy foods, staying properly hydrated, staying away from unhealthy foods and unhealthy drinks, using herbs and other supplements that nourish the body instead of harming it.

These herbs that help the system work properly again include bitters, like artichoke, kutki, guduchi, andrographis, ginger, swedish bitters and others like them. Manjistha is needed to help clear the traffic jam in the lymphatic system. Things that help the system also include lumbrokinase enzymes to help rebuild and clear up the pancreas. (Boluoke is a patented lumbrokinase enzymes product made from real earthworms.) Dandelion is also needed for proper kidney function, and olive leaf extract for the blood.

In dealing with slowing the rate of glucose absorbing or building in the blood, there are excellent herbs to deescalate the process of hyperglycemia, namely fenugreek (my favorite); quality, organic jiaogulan tea (gynostemma pentaphyllum) and banaba leaf (not banana).

There are vitamins that will help metabolize glucose more efficiently, especially vitamin B1 (thiamine), which is greatly depleted when there is too much sugar in the blood. So we need to replace this vitamin. Brands like allithiamine or thiamax in small doses, for a short period of time, would be ideal.

There are minerals that will help metabolize glucose more efficiently, especially chromium, potassium and magnesium. A natural food-base source of chromium is: Nutrigold Chromium Gold. Potassium rich food include yam and coconut water. Magnesium is found in leafy greens and supplements like magnesium malate or taurate.

But what are the main culprits that causes us to develop diabetes in the first place? Perhaps that answer lies in the world of consuming excess animal products, like muscle meat, fish, chicken, eggs and milk. These foods when used in excess, and especially when fried, often, cause insulin to raise higher than even consuming sugary foods. Furthermore, often eating these foods fried or grilled create damaging advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) to develop in the blood and clog blood vessels and capillaries from receiving the nutrients they truly need.

But how do we know we have diabetes in the first place? Good question! Frequent thirst and irritating nightly urination are classical indicators. Diabetes is a silent killer, and most people who have it, or are developing it, do not know either, until some dramatic event calls them into action. Most doctors test glucose levels which indicate the amount of glucose in the blood at that specific moment. But the glucose test can be deceptive. It may show normal even when something is terribly wrong. A more accurate test is the HbA1c test. This test tests for glucose attached to haemoglobin in blood from the prior two or three months. An ideal number should be between 4% to 5.6%. And 5.7% to 6.4%  indicates pre-diabetes. And 6.5% or greater is full blown diabetes. Another test is called the HOMA-IR (i.e. Homeostatic Model Assessment of Insulin Resistance). This tests for the amount of fasting insulin in the blood, that your body needs to keep your blood sugar levels in check. An ideal number should be less than 1.0. The normal HOMA-IR value for a healthy adult ranges from 0.5 to 1.4. And 2.0 to 2.9 indicates some insulin resistance. And 3.0 or greater is full blown insulin resistance! High fasting insulin is indicative of inflammation. Inflammation raises LDL cholesterol.

So where should we start in preventing or reversing diabetes?

  • To manage excess glucose and excess insulin in the blood immediately, use chromium, vitamin B1 and fenugreek, as mentioned above.
  • To fix the liver, try a bitter herb, like artichoke extract or kutki.
  • To keep the lymphatic system flowing, try manjistha.
  • To fix the pancreas, try lumbrokinase enzymes, specifically Boluoke, which is a natural product and not synthetic.
  • To heal the kidneys, try dandelion root.
  • To revitalize the blood, try olive leaf extract. 
  • And of course, eat properly, avoiding the wrong type of milk, excess animal muscle meat, and avoid excess fried foods, while simultaneously increasing magnesium and potassium rich vegetables like bok choy, yu choy, asparagus, yam, black beans, kohlrabi, parsnip, (crimini) mushrooms and black garlic.


  • Intermittent fasting done correctly will also help
  • So does exercise
  • So does reducing stress, thereby improving sleep quality

High Blood Pressure, Clogged Arteries, Heart Disease: All One Disease


If you’ve had a non-congenital heart attack, that means one thing: you have gallstones in the gallbladder and intrahepatic stones in the liver, both hard and soft! The liver is the body’s physician; if this is clogged, then it causes a cascade of all other sorts of illnesses. Heart disease is a legendary manifestation of liver problems.

When the liver is clogged, it slows down on doing what it needs to do, like keeping the blood clean. When the blood becomes polluted because of a faulty liver not rejuvenating it, then the lymphatic system also becomes clogged. The lymphatic system is part of a defense mechanism of the body known as the immune system. The immune system keeps things that want to hurt the body at bay. The blood is like a faucet while the lymphatic system is like a drainage — when the drainage gets clogged, bad things happen. When the immune system becomes defenseless, toxins from food and the environment, oxidation creating free radicals, pH imbalance from a stressful internal environment, and bacteria and other pathogens who love stressful environments begin to invade the body internally. The liver should actually be considered a part of our immune system, therefore.

When the liver loses its functionality, the blood takes a hit, then the lymphatic system takes a hit, then the kidneys take a hit. Then the tissues and other organs take a hit. Then cholesterol and inflammation start forming. The undigested protein, along with rogue calcium start clogging vital organs and the arteries that supply them. Then arteries start stiffening. Then blood pressure starts rising. Then the heart becomes larger, trying desperately to keep up with a demanding situation. Then what we know as heart disease starts manifesting. The ultimate penalty to this cascading, stressful event is heart disease, then inevitably, a heart attack.

But it all started with what went into our mouths — the foods we ate — the foods that our liver didn’t like and found hard to process. Simultaneously, the stress of it all caused a naturally confident liver to become shy and timid, and lose its ability to express itself. The liver —  the largest organ internally — becomes weak and angry.

Most high blood pressure — 98 percent of it — are categorized as idiopathic, meaning medical science has no idea what’s causing it. Medical science is baffled by high blood pressure because they are only focused on the blood. Medical science is not looking at the entire picture — the cascading events leading up to hypertension.

Heart problems, such as palpitations, are liver, bile and gallbladder problems rather than directly heart problems! If you have heart problems, you have a broken washing-machine, and the dirty clothes are piling up! The broken washing machine is your liver filled with stones — intrahepatic stones. The pipeline to the washing machine is your gallbladder. It is clogged with stones and sludge too. The detergent that should be running in the washing machine is bile, but since it has become thick or clumpy, with cholesterol-backup and other toxins, it doesn’t flow anymore. The dirty clothes is your heart, which is being affected. In order to clean your clothes (the heart), you must first fix the broken washing machine (the liver) and the pipeline (the gallbladder).

What physicians are apparently not taught in Medical School is that it requires 11 oxygen molecules to make one cholesterol molecule. Now what is that mineral that carries oxygen? Iron. So when cholesterol is being oxidized, what that really means is that it’s being rusted by – a buildup of, you guessed it — IRON!

So, how to fix the washing machine breakdown?
Bitters! The liver loves bitters. If you fix the liver, you automatically fix the gallbladder. If you fix the gallbladder, you automatically fix the bile problem. Bile will start flowing again. We make a lot of bile each day, or at least, we should — up to 4 cup or more, per day!
So there is hope. There are ayurvedic herbs and other things that will fix liver problems and gallbladder problems and dissolve intrahepatic stones in the liver and gallstones in the gallbladder. Among the best are:
1. Kutki: very good at healing most liver problems.

2. Guduchi: very good for the liver, spleen, pancreas and blood — full of macro and micro nutrients. Good to add it with ginger. 

3. TUDCA: which is a water soluble bile acid, will dilute thick bile in the liver and gallbladder, making it flow more efficiently.
Specifically pertaining to the heart and for relief of chest pain, you must watch what you eat — being sure to favor leafy greens and stems and root vegetables. Leafy greens are healing because they were once out in the sun, absorbing its nutrients and life. In addition to changing your diet, drinking adequate spring water or pure coconut water to hydrate your cells and avoiding stress are practical things to improve liver function. There are also specific herbs and supplements that will speed up the recovery of high blood pressure, clogged arteries, chest pain, atrial fibrillation and general heart disease. Among the best are:

1. Arjuna: Above all — this ayurvedic herb has become my number one go-to for heart conditions. I’ve suffered chronic chest pain for over 20 years, and arjuna is most effective and long lasting at resolving that issue for me.
Arjuna works by improving the left ventricle function of the heart. The left ventricle is that chamber of the heart responsible for “pumping” oxygenated blood back into the rest of the body.

2. Hawthorn flower/leaf/berry:

(The flower is the most effective part that heals the heart.) This herb also subsides chest pain, but arjuna is more long lasting. Not all hawthorn sold on the market are effective — you must be sure to obtain quality brands. Hawthorn Supreme from Gaia Herbs is a good brand.

3. Ubiquinol: This is the absorbable form of Co Q10. Your body converts Co Q10 (otherwise known as ubiquinone) into ubiquinol. Uniqunol energizes the cells of the heart’s many mitochondrias. Take100 mg per day.

4. Dan Shen: This herb — also known as Salvia miltiorrhiza  — is found in traditional Chinese medicine — it actually dissolves blood clots, and reduces arterial plaque. You will find this in a Chinatown herbalist store. (Do not take this herb if you are on any anticoagulation medication, as it may exacerbate the anticoagulation effects and lead to excess bleeding!)

5. Grapefruit inner of peel/Mesocarp/Albedo (must be organic) or grapefruit pectin. Good for lowering oxidized cholesterol, and keeping the arteries clean, grapefruit  pectin can also be purchased in supplement form, but tends to be adulterated because of the expense in making pure pectin. Pectasol-C seems to be a good choice though. (Avoid mixing anything grapefruit with prescription drugs, since it inappropriately magnifies the effects of these drugs!)

6. Pure pomegranate juice is said to lower high blood pressure in about two weeks.

7.  Vitamin K2 (MK-7) in the trans form. Vitamin K2 is very different in function from Vitamin K1. Vitamin K1 is involved in blood clotting, while K2 is involved in removing calcium from all the wrong places of the tissues and arteries, and putting it in all the right places, such as bones and teeth. Calcium acts as a cement in the body, hardening at whatever site it lay. Too much of it in the arteries will harden, stiffen and clog them, setting the stage for heart disease. But K2 keeps it away from all these soft, sensitivity places; and puts it where it belongs.

There are many versions of K2. It is important that you get it in the more absorbable and longer lasting form of MK-7, which is found in natto — a Japanese fermented soybean product.

8. Food-base vitamin E: Vitamin E keeps the blood vessels nourished, thus helping to prevent both oxidation or new clot formation. Vitamin E also supports the muscular system of the body, including the heart — which is 100% muscle. But be sure to supplement on only food based vitamin E, found notably in such foods as asparagus and — in moderation — organic sunflower seeds.

9.  Magnesium Taurate: The left atrium of the heart is concentrated with magnesium more so than any other part of the human body. That is the part of the heart that prepares oxygenated blood to be “pumped” back into the rest of the body!

Magnesium works slowly in rebuilding a damaged heart. Don’t expect to see a relief of chest pain after taking magnesium for 2 days. We lose magnesium slowly, daily and yearly. Though it is critically important to every cellular process in the body, and life is useless without it, and the body needs lots of it, it may take years of continuous supplementing to help heal a defected heart.

A small amount of vitamin B6 in the form of P5P and/or coconut oil greatly enhances the absorption of magnesium into the cells! Super Magnesium Taurate from Green Organic is an excellent choice.

10.  Boluoke: This patented product is a naturally sourced lumbrokinase enzyme(s) made from real earthworms — good at dissolving clots and fibrins, thereby increasing blood circulation and oxygen to tissues. It may also reduce chest pain quickly. I put this last on the list of 10 because, it is expensive. To work, this product must be taken on an empty stomach,  away from food.

And there is that hardly ever noticed, but inextricable relationship between heart disease and lung disorder. This is because just as blood flows through the circulatory system of the heart, it also must flow through the pulmonary system, which is the lungs. That is why slow, deep breathing can lower blood pressure in minutes!

One technique to strengthen the heart is to sleep at night with your face covered in blanket, or sheet. Doing this will make you inhale more of your own carbon dioxide, slowing down your breathing. While oxygen is good for you during the day — speeding up your breathing, carbon dioxide, though acid forming, is good for relaxing you at night! It slows your breathing, improves lung function and heals your liver.

There are also herbs to better optimize lung function, such as mullein, African geranium, rosemary, astragalus and guduchi.

The longer you wait to resolve health issues of the heart naturally, the longer it will take to fix even after you decide to do all these right things. So if you have a heart condition, treat it as an emergency, and deal with it with deliberate priority. And the sooner you will begin the healing process before it becomes too late.  These supplements and procedures I’ve listed will help set you on the right road.

Other things that may help with heart and circulatory conditions are:

  • Pycnogenol
  • Pure black sesame oil
  • Japanese green tea















Cancer: Learn How to Beat It!


Cancer, also called malignancy, is a disease in which normal cells turn into defected cells — dividing rapidly and steadily, and in the process, destroying body tissue. Cancer is really a metabolic dysregulation, more specifically, a cellular mitochondrial dysfunction, caused from lack of certain nutrients, an increase in toxins, and thus a massive reduction in energy output. There are over 100 known types of cancers, depending on their  location. Here, I will discuss how cancer is formed and the things we need to do to prevent such.

A cell becomes cancerous when its oxygen requirement is reduced by around 35 percent (or more). Causes for this loss of oxygen is proposed to be an imbalance of mineral ratio in the cells, an imbalance of hormonal ratio surrounding the cells, and high levels of unbound iron and other heavy metals hijacking the cell. Such other heavy metals include cadmium, aluminum and mercury. These all contribute to a reduction of cellular metabolism and ATP.

Cancer cells’ ATP is significantly reduced compared to normal cells. For example, a normal cell may produce up to 36 ATP with a single molecule of glucose, while a cancer cell output may only be 2 ATP through anaerobic glycolysis. There lies the mystery why cancer cells must duplicate so rapidly: to increase ATP totality from anaerobic glycolysis!

Our immune system normally keeps cancer cells in check, even those in the millions and hundreds of millions. But when these cells proliferate into two or three billion at a given site, a tumor is forming, and the immune system’s ability to fight or keep them under control becomes compromised.

The environment around cancer cells become very acidic, causing inflammation to the affected, surrounding tissues and organs. It is said that the cancer cells themselves are not particularly acidic — but create an acidic environment by their activities. Depending upon what part of the body we’re talking about, a (cancer) tumor can grow in an acidic environment, while another may for various reasons prefer an alkaline environment.

Contrary to popular belief, the viruses, bacteria or fungi found in cancer cells are not the cause of the cancer. They merely occupy these cells because the condition of the cells allow them to flourish. These same pathogens if placed in the cells of someone with healthy, non-cancerous cells, will not survive. These pathogens do not cause cancer, but are attracted to the cancer. In fact, many of these pathogens may serve as a beneficiary to the victim of the cancer cells, keeping these cells restrained and less lethal. These pathogens when destroyed by natural antibiotics also causes the cancer cells to spontaneously destroy along with them.

The onset of the formation of cancer cells and their proliferation always begins with stress — including metabolic, physical, and especially emotional or mental stress. Stress changes the environment and pH of the cells from alkaline to acidic or from acidic to alkaline. Reducing all types of stresses also reduces the formation of all types of cancers. Reducing stress also reverses the proliferation of cancer cells. But maintaining stress can bring back cancer cells that were already eradicated. In other words, even if one gets rid of cancer, he or she could still have a reoccurrence because of not eradicating the mental stress that helped cause it in the first place.

Conventional methods used to treat cancer in allopathic medicine do more harm than good in reversing cancer cell proliferation. For example, an oncologist will tell their patients that they need to reduce the fever that was initiated by cancer. But a fever caused by cancer is a purposeful healing process jumpstarted by the immune system to burn up that cancer. Oncologists also use resources such as radiation and chemotherapy in an effort to avert the proliferation of cancer cells. But both of these methods are foreign and poisonous not only to cancer cells, but to healthy cells as well.

There are many recommendations for cancer that proponents swear by, including such controversial things as mistletoe and cannabis oil. On these, I will not focus on. But here, I will list for you a host of herbs and supplements and vitamins I feel comfortable recommending in the fight against cancer.

1. Chaparral (dried): This is one of the best, if not the best herb, to fight cancer. It boosts the immune system, increasing absorption of vitamin C in the adrenal glands and thymus. It also destroys cancer loving pathogens: it’s antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal. Indeed, it also blocks cancer cells from dividing.

2. Turmeric with coconut oil: 1/4 teaspoon. This is perhaps the second best herb for cancer! It is anti-inflammatory. Turmeric reinvigorates apoptosis in cancer cells — a process where cancer cells self-destruct, leaving normal cells intact.

3. Pau d’arco tea: This is perhaps the third best. It enhances the antioxidant effects of chaparral. It also destroys cancer-loving pathogens. (Pau d’arco should however be sourced only from the inner bark of the tree of origin.)

4. Amla: This herb containing natural and stable vitamin C will burst cancer cells that have already formed. It is one of the best herb-berry both in preventing and fighting cancer.

5. Red clover blossom: This will balance your hormones. Many cancers, such as breast and prostate, are initiated by hormonal imbalances. Should be used sparingly.

6. Guduchi: This will unclog your liver and gallbladder of gallstones. It also boosts the immune system. It cleanses the blood, preventing it from becoming too acidic.

7. Siberian chaga tea: This will protect the mitochondria of your cells from cancer cells. Containing many important minerals, like magnesium and copper, needed to fight cancer, this fungus also boosts the cancer destroying antioxidant superoxide dismutase (SOD), destroying cancer cells, and turning superoxide back into water.

8. Organic sea kelp: This will provide you with needed iodine (150 -250 mcg). Everyone with cancer is deficient of this trace mineral on a cellular level.

9. Vitamin D from sun exposure: Everyone who has cancer is deficient of this vitamin. As probably the most powerful hormone in the body, “vitamin D” helps to regulate the immune system and prevent tumors from forming. So consider going shirtless at least three days per week in the sun to obtain the full spectrum of healing. Irradiated mushrooms and lichens are also natural sources of vitamin D.

10. Vitamin K2 mk-7: If you take D3, you must balance it with K2 mk-7 (30 mcg). K2 should always be in its natural all-trans form, found, for example, in natto — a Japanese fermented soybean product.

11. Natural sources of B vitamins, such as Bee pollen or RNA/DNA supplementation. These will help protect your own body’s DNA, as well as help maintain mitochondrial energy.

12. Andrographis: This herb may have an anti-proliferative effect on and destroy pathogens that feed on cancer cells.

13. Olive leaf extract: This will destroy pathogens that feed cancer cells. (Beware of the Herxheimer-reaction, that may last for about one week.)

14. Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)/ Ubiquinol: This quinol antioxidant is found in every normal cell and is needed to liven the cell, reinvigorating its mitochondria to produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Cancer cells’ aerobic mitochondrial ATP is greatly reduced — though both healthy cells and malignant cells CAN rely on anaerobic glycolysis for energy, cancer cells ALSO rely heavily on the fermentation of glucose rather than the normal process of aerobic glycolysis, or its backup, anaerobic glycolysis.

15. Bentonite clay: You only need perform this two or three times per month, on an empty stomach, away from food, to bind and flush out heavy metals and toxins. Great Plains bentonite is a “great” liquid brand to consider!

Now, these are the foods to eat:

1. Carrot/carrot juice. The beta carotene in the carrot will park in your cell, and the cancer cells will attack that instead of your own body. You can blend it if you like. Retain the fiber.

2. Blueberries/Bilberries. These will protect your cell’s DNA. Bilberries also contain a phytonutrient called anthocyanin, which acts as a free radical scavenger, believed to target cancer cells.

3. Broccoli sprouts. (not Brussels sprouts!) These are one of the best cruciferous vegetables to fight any cancer. Broccoli sprouts contain powerful compounds to fight many cancers, like breast, prostate and urinary cancers. Sulforaphane is one of the main compounds currently being touted by science as having an affect against these cancers.

You can easily grow your own broccoli sprouts at home by purchasing certified organic broccoli seeds. Sprouting takes between three (3) to five (5) days.

Be careful about consuming too much broccoli sprouts,  or any cruciferous vegetables,  as they can deplete iodine from your body.

4. Red cabbage. This cabbage contains lots of interesting properties to fight cancer. Like bilberries, it contains anthocyanins, to help fight cancer-generating free radical.  Additionally,  this cabbage is full of beta carotene,  vitamin C and bioavailable iron — all things needed to fight cancer.

5. Cucumber. Minerals and phytonutrients in cucumbers have been tested to be ideal in fighting cancer cells, particularly of (the hard to fight) pancreatic cancer cells. These phytonutrients include dozens of phenolic compounds,  carotenoids and the well studied cucurbitacin compound. The peel and seeds are the most nutrient-dense parts of the cucumber.

6. Organic kale. Compounds such as carotenoids and glucosinolates may help destroy many cancer cells in the body.  Additionally,  kale is abundant in vitamin C and K — vitamins essential in fighting cancer. Kale is also anti-estrogenic, which also helps fight certain cancers.

Be sure to only consume organic kale, as farming practice used to treat kale may actually be cancer causing.

Also be aware that too much kale may deplete iodine levels in some people.

Also be aware that excess kale consumption may cause bloating and create dysbiosis in the gastrointestinal tract. Cooking kale will help mitigate this.

7. Cooked tomato: contains a carotenoid called lycopene, which may have cancer and tumor suppressor abilities.

8. Mangosteen: hard to find, yet contains a unique class of antioxidant compounds known as xanthones, which may help fight cancer. Consuming excess amounts may lead to internal bleeding.

9. Bok choy: a cruciferous vegetable that contains phytonutrients — like the sulphur containing compounds glucosinolates, which convert to isothiocyanates — that may reduce cancer risk even if consumed just once per week. May be goitrogenic if consumed in excess, uncooked amounts.

10. Watercress: compounds called glucosinolates which convert to isothiocyanates may help protect against cancer.

11. Papaya: high in vitamin C and carotenoids,  like beta-cryptoxanthin and especially, lycopene, which may demonstrate anticancer activities.

12: Parsley: compounds called myricetin and apigenin may help prevent cancer proliferation.

13. Arugula: an unusual, peppery tasting, cruciferous vegetable, containing exceptional antioxidants such as erucin and glucosinolates that are believed not only to be potent cancer fighters and cancer destroyers

14. Black beans: contains antioxidants such as polyphenols and flavonoids, including anthocyanins, that may contain cancer fighting properties.

15. Natto: a fermented soybean product high in both vitamin K1 and K2. High also in manganese, iron, copper, fiber, probiotics and a unique powerful enzyme called nattokinase, which may dissolve blood clots. Thins the blood due to vitamin K content. May help fight heart disease and certain cancers. Han acquired taste, pungent odor. Caution if on anticoagulants, as it thins the blood.

These are the foods to limit:
Limit muscle meat
Limit fish


Avoid fried foods
Avoid chicken
Avoid eggs
Avoid milk
Avoid cheese and other dairy
Avoid all nuts
Avoid seeds, including chia- and flax seeds.
Avoid soy and tofu.
Avoid hemp
Avoid avocados
Avoid sugar alcohols
Avoid artificial honey
Avoid cauliflower. It robs your body of minerals.

•          •          •          •          •          •          •

Now, there are amazing other ways to fight cancer. I want you to research this: Ozone therapy. Ozone stimulates all the natural anti-cancer immune reactions in the body and directly is able to make cancer cells burst, killing them through the creation of lipid peroxides at the cancer cell membrane. Research the: Cold Corona Ozone generator.

Overcoming Hypothyroidism & Hashimoto’s


Hypothyroidism is an under-active thyroid condition, resulting in the thyroid gland not producing or converting enough thyroid hormones. This results in familiar and characteristic symptoms, often striking older women. The condition is said to be autoimmune if it is not resolved by iodine or selenium or any other mineral sufficiency, or if these mineral-increase causes swelling and further irritation on the thyroid. The supposed autoimmune condition of hypothyroidism is known as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Most hypothyroidism is elevated to the level of Hashimoto’s (9:1). Here we will discuss what is  believed to be the true cause of this and that condition, and the protocol needed to correct it, including supporting the liver, kidneys, lymphatic  system and adrenal glands,  while also supplementing on critical nutrients that had consequently been depleted.

We have hypothyroidism and/or Hashimoto’s also because we are internally inflamed and clogged with undigested protein in the vessel walls of our capillaries. Our lymphatic system becomes clogged by this build up of excess proteins — polluting the blood and affecting the sensitive thyroid. An ayurvedic herb however called manjistha will help unclog it — thus assisting and allowing proper thyroid function again. This is truly great news!

When antibodies attack the thyroid, then hypothyroidism is now officially called an autoimmune disease — Hashimoto’s.  Hashimoto’s indeed should not be labeled as an auto-immune disorder, as is widely accepted — but more accurately as an adrenal dysfunction. The thyroid makes only two TRUE hormones, while the adrenals make at least 50. The adrenal glands are in control of the immune system. If there is something wrong with your immune system, then there is something wrong with your adrenal glands. The adrenal glands consist not only of the two things on top of your kidneys — it consists of your entire skin structure. Your skin cells ARE your adrenals!

If you have developed hypothyroidism or Hashimoto’s, you surely are low on vitamin A, a.k.a. retinol. This is a vitamin that is adequately stored in a proper functioning liver,  and acts as a hormone. Thus a vitamin A deficiency may indicate liver dysfunction. This vitamin A is carried by a transport protein called transthyretin (TTR). This protein also carries T4 — the near inactive hormone made by the thyroid — a.k.a. thyroxine. If there is no vitamin A (retinol), then there may be also low or no proper T4 transportation, either from TTR damage or nutrient deficiency. Then there may be no bio-available conversion of T4 to the very active T3! To improve bio-available retinol in the blood, we need it from our diet. Grass-fed butter and grass-fed/grass-finished liver will actualize this process. So will a fruit like persimmon. Carrot(s) because of its beta carotene content, which converts to a smaller percentage of retinol in the body, is another option. So will sweet potato, and malabar, a.k.a. saan choy (an oriental leafy green). Our adrenals also love retinol.

And what else does our adrenals like? Natural vitamin C — lots of it. Natural vitamin C also has a transport protein, called tyrosinase, which carries numerous molecules of bio-available copper. If you want to feed your adrenals, then give them amla or acerola berry: all sources of natural vitamin C.

Another best thing that our adrenals like is the natural B vitamins. Bee pollen contains all the natural B vitamins your adrenals need, especial vitamin B5, which your adrenals really love. (Taste-test to make sure you’re not allergic to it though.) Bee pollen also contains bio-available copper.

Contrary to popular belief, we do not need as much vitamin D as you may think. 60-80 ng/ml of vitamin D is actually too much. Too much vitamin D creates massive amounts of hydrogen peroxide. Though hydrogen peroxide is a free radical that is needed to a certain degree, too much of it will damage your cells. A vitamin D level of 32 to 45 nanograms per milliliter is actually ideal

In dealing with inflammation, the internal body loses one mineral faster than any other — even by something as simple as stress — yet that mineral is arguably the most important: that mineral is called magnesium. When magnesium leaves, it takes other minerals like potassium and copper with it. Magnesium is like the glue that keeps all the other minerals in place and together. A loss of magnesium will eventually create an inferno of inflammation throughout the body. Not only do you need to replace magnesium daily — it must also be absorbable. If magnesium oxide or magnesium carbonate comes to mind when you think about replacing magnesium, you are sadly mistaken. The absorption rate of these forms of magnesium is pathetically low: 4% or less. Consider instead magnesium glycinate/malate/taurate/citrate.

Vitamin B6, in the form of P5P, further increases magnesium absorption throughout the body on a cellular level. So does healthier salts, namely, Kosher salt (Diamond crystal) or Pickling salt.

If there is inflammation anywhere in the body, there is almost always an ample supply of iron — but not just any iron: destructive, unbound iron, rusting the targeted tissue area. If iron is not attached to hemoglobin or whatever else it should be attached to, it roams freely, causing chaos and inflammation. The thyroid appears to be one of unbound iron’s favorite target. To reduce hypothyroidism\Hashimoto’s, a protocol to reduce this form of iron must be implemented. Consuming the vitamins and other supplements previously mentioned, in their natural form, would be a way to turn unbound iron back into useful iron, your body can absorb properly. Another way is to take IP-6 on an empty stomach, away from food and other supplements. IP-6 is known to chelate iron, along with zinc and calcium out of the body. So naturally, you would want to consume foods with more zinc and calcium during this process.

If you have the condition listed in this article, you may consider stop taking medications, and consider the natural route. Medication has a tendency to make things feel better temporarily, while making thing worse permanently. As a start, consider:

  • A quality brand iodine supplement, like Icelandic Sea Kelp, or a natural selenium supplement like Food Research Selenium E, and note if the condition was caused by any of these popular mineral deficiencies. Otherwise, add:

Healing herbs:

  • Kutki, guduchi and/or burdock root for the liver
  • Astragalus and dandelion root for the kidneys
  • Manjistha for the lymphatic system

Nutritional Support:

  • Grassfed butter/liver: (liver should be no more than one ounce per day, or 7 ounces per week.)
  • Persimmons, carrots (not too much though), sweet potato (not too much though), malabar a.k.a. saan choy (not too much though): all of these contain high beta carotene which can convert to retinol.
  • Natural vitamin C (amla, acerola berry)
  • Bee pollen
  • Magnesium (glycinate, malate, citrate, taurate)
  • P5P

Reducing Excess, Unbound Iron:

  • IP-6 on an empty stomach

(Note: IP-6 depletes certain other minerals, like zinc. So be sure to increase sources of this and other minerals and vitamins.)