High Blood Pressure, Clogged Arteries, Heart Disease: All One Disease


If you’ve had a non-congenital heart attack, that means one thing: you have gallstones in the gallbladder and intrahepatic stones in the liver, both hard and soft! The liver is the body’s physician; if this is clogged, then it causes a cascade of all other sorts of illnesses. Heart disease is a legendary manifestation of liver problems.

When the liver is clogged, it slows down on doing what it needs to do, like keeping the blood clean. When the blood becomes polluted because of a faulty liver not rejuvenating it, then the lymphatic system also becomes clogged. The lymphatic system is part of a defense mechanism of the body known as the immune system. The immune system keeps things that want to hurt the body at bay. The blood is like a faucet while the lymphatic system is like a drainage — when the drainage gets clogged, bad things happen. When the immune system becomes defenseless, toxins from food and the environment, oxidation creating free radicals, pH imbalance from a stressful internal environment, and bacteria and other pathogens who love stressful environments begin to invade the body internally. The liver should actually be considered a part of our immune system, therefore.

When the liver loses its functionality, the blood takes a hit, then the lymphatic system takes a hit, then the kidneys take a hit. Then the tissues and other organs take a hit. Then cholesterol and inflammation start forming. The undigested protein, along with rogue calcium start clogging vital organs and the arteries that supply them. Then arteries start stiffening. Then blood pressure starts rising. Then the heart becomes larger, trying desperately to keep up with a demanding situation. Then what we know as heart disease starts manifesting. The ultimate penalty to this cascading, stressful event is heart disease, then inevitably, a heart attack.

But it all started with what went into our mouths — the foods we ate — the foods that our liver didn’t like and found hard to process. Simultaneously, the stress of it all caused a naturally confident liver to become shy and timid, and lose its ability to express itself. The liver —  the largest organ internally — becomes weak and angry.

Most high blood pressure — 98 percent of it — are categorized as idiopathic, meaning medical science has no idea what’s causing it. Medical science is baffled by high blood pressure because they are only focused on the blood. Medical science is not looking at the entire picture — the cascading events leading up to hypertension.

Heart problems, such as palpitations, are liver, bile and gallbladder problems rather than directly heart problems! If you have heart problems, you have a broken washing-machine, and the dirty clothes are piling up! The broken washing machine is your liver filled with stones — intrahepatic stones. The pipeline to the washing machine is your gallbladder. It is clogged with stones and sludge too. The detergent that should be running in the washing machine is bile, but since it has become thick or clumpy, with cholesterol-backup and other toxins, it doesn’t flow anymore. The dirty clothes is your heart, which is being affected. In order to clean your clothes (the heart), you must first fix the broken washing machine (the liver) and the pipeline (the gallbladder).

What physicians are apparently not taught in Medical School is that it requires 11 oxygen molecules to make one cholesterol molecule. Now what is that mineral that carries oxygen? Iron. So when cholesterol is being oxidized, what that really means is that it’s being rusted by – a buildup of, you guessed it — IRON!

So, how to fix the washing machine breakdown?
Bitters! The liver loves bitters. If you fix the liver, you automatically fix the gallbladder. If you fix the gallbladder, you automatically fix the bile problem. Bile will start flowing again. We make a lot of bile each day, or at least, we should — up to 4 cup or more, per day!
So there is hope. There are ayurvedic herbs and other things that will fix liver problems and gallbladder problems and dissolve intrahepatic stones in the liver and gallstones in the gallbladder. Among the best are:
1. Kutki: very good at healing most liver problems.

2. Guduchi: very good for the liver, spleen, pancreas and blood — full of macro and micro nutrients. Good to add it with ginger. 

3. TUDCA: which is a water soluble bile acid, will dilute thick bile in the liver and gallbladder, making it flow more efficiently.
Specifically pertaining to the heart and for relief of chest pain, you must watch what you eat — being sure to favor leafy greens and stems and root vegetables. Leafy greens are healing because they were once out in the sun, absorbing its nutrients and life. In addition to changing your diet, drinking adequate spring water or pure coconut water to hydrate your cells and avoiding stress are practical things to improve liver function. There are also specific herbs and supplements that will speed up the recovery of high blood pressure, clogged arteries, chest pain, atrial fibrillation and general heart disease. Among the best are:

1. Arjuna: Above all — this ayurvedic herb has become my number one go-to for heart conditions. I’ve suffered chronic chest pain for over 20 years, and arjuna is most effective and long lasting at resolving that issue for me.
Arjuna works by improving the left ventricle function of the heart. The left ventricle is that chamber of the heart responsible for “pumping” oxygenated blood back into the rest of the body.

2. Hawthorn flower/leaf/berry:

(The flower is the most effective part that heals the heart.) This herb also subsides chest pain, but arjuna is more long lasting. Not all hawthorn sold on the market are effective — you must be sure to obtain quality brands. Hawthorn Supreme from Gaia Herbs is a good brand.

3. Ubiquinol: This is the absorbable form of Co Q10. Your body converts Co Q10 (otherwise known as ubiquinone) into ubiquinol. Uniqunol energizes the cells of the heart’s many mitochondrias. Take100 mg per day.

4. Dan Shen: This herb — also known as Salvia miltiorrhiza  — is found in traditional Chinese medicine — it actually dissolves blood clots, and reduces arterial plaque. You will find this in a Chinatown herbalist store. (Do not take this herb if you are on any anticoagulation medication, as it may exacerbate the anticoagulation effects and lead to excess bleeding!)

5. Grapefruit inner of peel/Mesocarp/Albedo (must be organic) or grapefruit pectin. Good for lowering oxidized cholesterol, and keeping the arteries clean, grapefruit  pectin can also be purchased in supplement form, but tends to be adulterated because of the expense in making pure pectin. Pectasol-C seems to be a good choice though. (Avoid mixing anything grapefruit with prescription drugs, since it inappropriately magnifies the effects of these drugs!)

6. Pure pomegranate juice is said to lower high blood pressure in about two weeks.

7.  Vitamin K2 (MK-7) in the trans form. Vitamin K2 is very different in function from Vitamin K1. Vitamin K1 is involved in blood clotting, while K2 is involved in removing calcium from all the wrong places of the tissues and arteries, and putting it in all the right places, such as bones and teeth. Calcium acts as a cement in the body, hardening at whatever site it lay. Too much of it in the arteries will harden, stiffen and clog them, setting the stage for heart disease. But K2 keeps it away from all these soft, sensitivity places; and puts it where it belongs.

There are many versions of K2. It is important that you get it in the more absorbable and longer lasting form of MK-7, which is found in natto — a Japanese fermented soybean product.

8. Food-base vitamin E: Vitamin E keeps the blood vessels nourished, thus helping to prevent both oxidation or new clot formation. Vitamin E also supports the muscular system of the body, including the heart — which is 100% muscle. But be sure to supplement on only food based vitamin E, found notably in such foods as asparagus and — in moderation — organic sunflower seeds.

9.  Magnesium Taurate: The left atrium of the heart is concentrated with magnesium more so than any other part of the human body. That is the part of the heart that prepares oxygenated blood to be “pumped” back into the rest of the body!

Magnesium works slowly in rebuilding a damaged heart. Don’t expect to see a relief of chest pain after taking magnesium for 2 days. We lose magnesium slowly, daily and yearly. Though it is critically important to every cellular process in the body, and life is useless without it, and the body needs lots of it, it may take years of continuous supplementing to help heal a defected heart.

A small amount of vitamin B6 in the form of P5P and/or coconut oil greatly enhances the absorption of magnesium into the cells! Super Magnesium Taurate from Green Organic is an excellent choice.

10.  Boluoke: This patented product is a naturally sourced lumbrokinase enzyme(s) made from real earthworms — good at dissolving clots and fibrins, thereby increasing blood circulation and oxygen to tissues. It may also reduce chest pain quickly. I put this last on the list of 10 because, it is expensive. To work, this product must be taken on an empty stomach,  away from food.

And there is that hardly ever noticed, but inextricable relationship between heart disease and lung disorder. This is because just as blood flows through the circulatory system of the heart, it also must flow through the pulmonary system, which is the lungs. That is why slow, deep breathing can lower blood pressure in minutes!

One technique to strengthen the heart is to sleep at night with your face covered in blanket, or sheet. Doing this will make you inhale more of your own carbon dioxide, slowing down your breathing. While oxygen is good for you during the day — speeding up your breathing, carbon dioxide, though acid forming, is good for relaxing you at night! It slows your breathing, improves lung function and heals your liver.

There are also herbs to better optimize lung function, such as mullein, African geranium, rosemary, astragalus and guduchi.

The longer you wait to resolve health issues of the heart naturally, the longer it will take to fix even after you decide to do all these right things. So if you have a heart condition, treat it as an emergency, and deal with it with deliberate priority. And the sooner you will begin the healing process before it becomes too late.  These supplements and procedures I’ve listed will help set you on the right road.

Other things that may help with heart and circulatory conditions are:

  • Pycnogenol
  • Pure black sesame oil
  • Olive leaf extract
  • Japanese green tea















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