If you have recently been experiencing gradual pain in your hands and feet, morning stiffness, dry eyes and tingling, numbing sensations (carpel tunnel syndrome) in certain fingers and hands, then you are not simply getting old. You may be experiencing a condition known as Rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis is manifested as inflammation of the synovium (synovial membrane containing synovial fluid) in the joints, that acts as a source of lubrication to the joints. White blood cells activated by the adrenals are sent into the synovium for some strange reason. This process causes inflammation and swelling to said spots. Science defines rheumatoid arthritis as an autoimmune disease in which the body is attacking mainly joint areas of the body. But what really is rheumatoid arthritis, and what is causing it?
In truth, rheumatoid arthritis is your adrenal glands attempting to get rid of toxins and primarily unbound iron that is stuck in and hijacking the cells surrounding your joints and other areas! It — RA — is a symmetrical condition that causes internal heat, and pain all over. It can also be accompanied by fever, especially at night. Sitting, relaxing or remaining inactive does not make the condition better; in fact, it makes it worse. People suffering from RA are encouraged to keep mobile, and take hot baths to help alleviate symptoms. RA also displays conditions that may appear to be anemia. But in reality, though it may constitute being a blood problem, it has nothing to do with anemia.
There is a protein connection to Rheumatoid arthritis. Contrary to popular belief, the stomach acid in the human body is rather weak, only capable of digesting max 40 to 45 grams of animal protein per day. It really doesn’t matter if it’s grass-fed or not. So, if you consume a typical serving of steak, only about 15 percent of that will be digested, while the rest is expelled, or stored in the blood vessel walls and connective tissue as collagen fiber. If these storage places are saturated, then the body has no choice but to turn the excess undigested protein into various acids, namely, nitric, sulfuric and phosphoric, similar to auto battery acid. These acids often require minerals to buffer them in preventing the body from becoming too acidic. This mineral requirement depletes the rest of the body of minerals needed elsewhere.
Another acid, usually associated with inflammation of the big toe, a.k.a. gout — may be a hidden conspirator in the onset of RA. That acid is uric acid, made from purines, which in itself is created from the proteins, alcohol and yeast in our bodies. When there is excess uric acid higher than can be excreted by the kidneys through urine, all manner of evil wreak havoc on our biological system. One of those evils may very well be RA. An excellent herb to reduce uric acid comes from ayurveda, called Guduchi. Combining Guduchi with a little ginger will enhance its effectiveness in reducing uric acid.
There is an iron connection to Rheumatoid arthritis. Our body runs on about 25 milligrams of iron every day — ONLY about 1 mg should come from the diet, while the other 24 mg should be recycled by the body, from within the body. There are many breakfast cereals offering 8 to 18 mg of iron filings in just ONE cup serving! We are suffering from iron overload and toxicity from the wrong form of iron, not anemia.
An easy way to manage excess iron in the body from becoming oxidative stress — a fancy term for rust — is to consume natural products that contain bio-available copper. Copper regulates iron in the body. Natural vitamin C found in Amla or acerola is the way to go! Organic bee pollen is another good choice. Pollination does not occur without copper, meaning, bee pollen contains natural copper. Also, grass-finished liver contains both copper and retinol. (Copper needs retinol to be itself metabolized properly). One ounce every other day would be ideal.
An extreme option to getting excess unbound iron out of your body would be to donate one liter of blood every six months to a year, which is equivalent to ridding your body of 250 mg of iron, each session. Still another option would be to use IP-6, on an empty stomach, away from food and supplements. IP-6 a.k.a. phytic acid, will help chelate unbound iron out of your body. This product also chelates other important minerals, such as calcium and zinc. So you would want to replace these minerals with food-rich sources.
There is a toxins and heavy metals connection to Rheumatoid arthritis. For example, glyphosate, which is a herbicide and drying agent sprayed on crops to keep weed away is a potent example. Glyphosate disrupts mineral metabolism in the body, causing a depletion of mineral homeostasis. The usual process to make decaffeinated coffee also causes various toxins to accumulate in the final product, thus many people are developing rheumatoid arthritis from consuming decaffeinated coffee. All of this can be mitigate or even avoided by consuming only organic foods (or certified organic even better) and by avoiding known products — like cigarettes and pharmaceuticals — that are made with or exposed to toxins.
And there are also herbs to cleanse toxins from the body — a most notable one being Punarnava. Literally meaning “the one that renews”, Punarnava helps renew the body and blood from old toxins. Another herb, called Andrographis, can add a cleansing effect to the liver, purging it and reinvigorating it from old toxins.
Reversing RA will surely involve managing your blood’s production of acids, namely, nitric-, sulfuric- and phosphoric- acids that developed from a high animal protein/dairy diet. Uric acid is also highly suspected in RA onset, and Guduchi with ginger should be implement to reduce said acid. Removing unbound iron out of the cells through fasting and with herbs such as Turmeric with coconut oil, which actually helps get rid of iron. You also need bio-available copper to manage iron! You also need to watch out for any food or product that may expose you to toxins and heavy metals. And you need to maintain a healthy colon through daily bowel movements — thus limiting the possibility of any toxic build-up of iron, or any other toxins and heavy metals.
So in summary, to reduce the effects of or prevent rheumatoid arthritis:
– Minimize animal protein intake
– Take Guduchi with ginger to reduce uric acid
– Practice occasional intermittent fasting
– Minimize synthetic iron intake
– Increase bio-available copper with amla, acerola, or organic bee pollen
– Eat one ounce of grass-finished liver EVERY OTHER day
– Donate 1 liter of blood or use IP-6 to chelate unbound iron out of your body
– Take Punarnava to renew the body
– Take Andrographis to renew the liver
– Take small amounts of Turmeric with coconut oil to excrete unbound iron
– Eat organic foods only and avoid any product that may have a hint of toxins or heavy metals
– Move your bowels daily
Note that the six prime herbs listed to alleviate rheumatoid arthritis are: Guduchi, Ginger, Amla, Turmeric, Punarnava and Andrographis.