Defeat Diabetes


Diabetes — type 2 diabetes i.e. — cannot simply be defined as high blood sugar or having too much sugar in the blood. High blood sugar is only a symptom of diabetes. What diabetes really is is a metabolic dysfunction affecting the entire biological system of the body, including the endocrine system, the circulatory system and the lymphatic system. These systems malfunctioned because of a disruption of the flow of energy into cells and the metabolic waste out of cells. We often think of insulin as the hormone that guides glucose into cells. But insulin has a greater, multipurpose task — to guide potassium, magnesium and other minerals out of and back into cells. If there is not adequate potassium or magnesium in these cells, then these cells cannot utilize glucose — the birth of insulin resistance.

So, we see that insulin resistance happens for a reason — because the cells do not have the minerals to metabolize the carbohydrates and protein we digest. You might think the simple solution may be to add potassium and magnesium to our diet, so that insulin can then allow glucose into the cells. But that would be the case only if enough damage has not already been done.

In the days, weeks, months or years that cells were not allowing insulin to usher glucose into them — insulin resistance — these cells were suffering malnutrition and dying. The blood vessels on the farther regions of our body, like the toes and feet, where blood circulation was jeopardized, took the brunt of the hit. Hence we often hear of diabetics becoming amputees. During those years when these cells were suffering from malnutrition, the blood took a hit, with high levels of insulin and glucose roaming, with no place to go, and causing destruction where ever they lay. The blood then became thick. Then the liver took a hit — because the liver needs aging, thin blood to turn into bilirubin and to make bile for that liver. Then the liver took a greater hit, by becoming congested with thick glue-like bilirubin from thick blood, that was not properly becoming the constituent of bile.

Furthermore, the cholesterol ingested from food and made by the liver piled up with no where to go due to the lack of proper bile formation and flow. Then the bile in the liver and gallbladder became sludge. Then the sludge became intrahepatic stones, and extrahepatic stones in the gallbladder. Then the gallbladder became clogged, unable to release bile for digesting fats and other nutrients from foods. Then the cholesterol that constituted a part of bile raised circulating cholesterol numbers because of being stuck in bile. Then our triglycerides — the stored sugars in fat cells — started rising in the liver and in the blood. So now, not only do we have high blood sugar and high insulin, but we also have high blood cholesterol, high bilirubin, high triglycerides, and yes, eventually even high blood pressure!

Then that clogged blood and clogged liver now clogs the pancreas. Now the pancreas which delivers enzymes and hormones across its narrow pancreatic duct or directly into the bloodstream, begins to misfire, producing either too much insulin and then as time goes by, too little insulin. Now not only do we have a fatty liver, from high triglycerides forming — we now have a fatty pancreas, an exhausted fatty pancreas working on overdrive.

Now the lymphatic system which usually drains large metabolic waste, and large protein debris, turns into a highway with a major traffic jam at all of the hundreds of major lymph nodes. This is manifested visibly with an enlarged stomach, and a stiff neck desperately needing a massage.

Then the kidneys — which do the hardest work – filtering junk from the blood, take a hit. They can no longer filter these large particles and other toxins that should have been processed already by the liver, the pancreas and the lymphatic system. The kidneys then become like a clogged fishing net that is unable to drain out the seaweeds of filth caught in the mesh lines of its net. Now we have high uric acid building up in the kidney walls and the ureter, leading to sciatic pain for some people. Now we have kidney stones slowly forming, constituting mainly of calcium, for some other people.

So now we see that diabetes is not just a high blood sugar problem — it is an internal pandemic of great bodily proportion. Reducing sugar intake at this point will not fix the problem — it only delays it. Fixing the problem involves nourishing the cells with the nutrients they need, like potassium, magnesium, copper, zinc and sodium, while simultaneously repairing the damages that cascaded from a lack of such nutrients, and the great damages that high insulin and glucose in the blood created.

Fixing this internal diabetic pandemic involves reshaping a fatty liver into a healthy liver, a fatty pancreas into a vibrant pancreas and opening the pancreatic ducts and bile ducts that have been clogged with sludge or gallstones; and removing uric acid or kidney stones from the walls of the kidneys. All of this involves eating healthy foods, staying properly hydrated, staying away from unhealthy foods and unhealthy drinks, using herbs and other supplements that nourish the body instead of harming it.

These herbs that help the system work properly again include bitters, like artichoke, kutki, guduchi, andrographis, ginger, swedish bitters and others like them. Manjistha is needed to help clear the traffic jam in the lymphatic system. Things that help the system also include lumbrokinase enzymes to help rebuild and clear up the pancreas. (Boluoke is a patented lumbrokinase enzymes product made from real earthworms.) Dandelion is also needed for proper kidney function, and olive leaf extract for the blood.

In dealing with slowing the rate of glucose absorbing or building in the blood, there are excellent herbs to deescalate the process of hyperglycemia, namely fenugreek (my favorite); quality, organic jiaogulan tea (gynostemma pentaphyllum) and banaba leaf (not banana).

There are vitamins that will help metabolize glucose more efficiently, especially vitamin B1 (thiamine), which is greatly depleted when there is too much sugar in the blood. So we need to replace this vitamin. Brands like allithiamine or thiamax in small doses, for a short period of time, would be ideal.

There are minerals that will help metabolize glucose more efficiently, especially chromium, potassium and magnesium. A natural food-base source of chromium is: Nutrigold Chromium Gold. Potassium rich food include yam and coconut water. Magnesium is found in leafy greens and supplements like magnesium malate or taurate.

But what are the main culprits that causes us to develop diabetes in the first place? Perhaps that answer lies in the world of consuming excess animal products, like muscle meat, fish, chicken, eggs and milk. These foods when used in excess, and especially when fried, often, cause insulin to raise higher than even consuming sugary foods. Furthermore, often eating these foods fried or grilled create damaging advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) to develop in the blood and clog blood vessels and capillaries from receiving the nutrients they truly need.

But how do we know we have diabetes in the first place? Good question! Frequent thirst and irritating nightly urination are classical indicators. Diabetes is a silent killer, and most people who have it, or are developing it, do not know either, until some dramatic event calls them into action. Most doctors test glucose levels which indicate the amount of glucose in the blood at that specific moment. But the glucose test can be deceptive. It may show normal even when something is terribly wrong. A more accurate test is the HbA1c test. This test tests for glucose attached to haemoglobin in blood from the prior two or three months. An ideal number should be between 4% to 5.6%. And 5.7% to 6.4%  indicates pre-diabetes. And 6.5% or greater is full blown diabetes. Another test is called the HOMA-IR (i.e. Homeostatic Model Assessment of Insulin Resistance). This tests for the amount of fasting insulin in the blood, that your body needs to keep your blood sugar levels in check. An ideal number should be less than 1.0. The normal HOMA-IR value for a healthy adult ranges from 0.5 to 1.4. And 2.0 to 2.9 indicates some insulin resistance. And 3.0 or greater is full blown insulin resistance! High fasting insulin is indicative of inflammation. Inflammation raises LDL cholesterol.

So where should we start in preventing or reversing diabetes?

  • To manage excess glucose and excess insulin in the blood immediately, use chromium, vitamin B1 and fenugreek, as mentioned above.
  • To fix the liver, try a bitter herb, like artichoke extract or kutki.
  • To keep the lymphatic system flowing, try manjistha.
  • To fix the pancreas, try lumbrokinase enzymes, specifically Boluoke, which is a natural product and not synthetic.
  • To heal the kidneys, try dandelion root.
  • To revitalize the blood, try olive leaf extract. 
  • And of course, eat properly, avoiding the wrong type of milk, excess animal muscle meat, and avoid excess fried foods, while simultaneously increasing magnesium and potassium rich vegetables like bok choy, yu choy, asparagus, yam, black beans, kohlrabi, parsnip, (crimini) mushrooms and black garlic.


  • Intermittent fasting done correctly will also help
  • So does exercise
  • So does reducing stress, thereby improving sleep quality

Restless Leg Syndrome: The Cause and the Correction


Restless leg syndrome (RLS) is a condition whereby there is an irresistible urge to move the legs due to dis-ease of the legs and feet. This simple act of moving the legs, or similar body part, effectively causes temporary relief of symptoms — an itch you cannot scratch, the feeling of tiny creatures crawling in your legs. The RLS condition most often occur at rest, and often at night, thereby preventing the person from being able to rest or sleep. Medical science has termed this condition as idiopathic, meaning of unknown cause.

I speculate the origin of this dis-ease may reside in the world of liver and gallbladder malfunction, leading to:

– heavy metal toxicity, mainly unbound iron toxicity disguised as iron anemia, caused by a lack of especially bioavailable copper to regulate the iron

– a lack of vitamins, namely certain B vitamins, especially thiamine (B1) and folate (B9),

– a lack of natural vitamin C that would otherwise maintain collagen, prevent bleeding and balance other minerals, and

– a lack of absorbable magnesium to buffer inflammation and toxicity. (Some people have claimed spraying magnesium on their legs and feet gave them almost instant relief.)

This liver and gallbladder malfunction then lead to neurological effects, and disturbances of the magnetic field of the body. Some people have even reported a relief of symptoms just by rubbing dry soap on their calf area and feet. Could it be the ingredients in soap are acting like a buffer to the magnetic disturbances — could it be a grounding effect to static electricity?

When the body becomes acidic, inflamed and heated, this attracts not only cholesterol (oxidized or otherwise), but also pathogens to the area site. The affected area literally becomes a breeding ground for bacteria, viruses or fungi, caused by said toxicity and chronic lack of nutrients.

If you are having restless leg syndrome, then you are most likely suffering from a liver problem to some degree. The liver is not metabolizing the nutrients out of the foods you eat properly, and the bile from the gallbladder is not properly binding toxins to be expelled out of the body. This then leads to a build up of toxins, and clogging of the gallbladder with stranded toxic bile.

Many of us have liver congestion due to the fact that the gallbladder is filled with gallstones — not allowing bile to flow and recycle properly to digest and metabolize our foods.
There are two ayurvedic herb, namely, kutki and guduchi, that heal most liver problems, gallbladder dysfunctionality and even spleen and pancreatic malfunctions.
A defected liver causes a mineral deficiency of every kind. Vitamin B deficiency is surely partly due to the fact that your liver is not working properly.
I recommend taking natural vitamin B found in either of these two forms:
1. Bee pollen
2. RNA/DNA (RNA/DNA is made from brewer’s yeast, which contains natural B vitamins.)

In addition I recommend taking:
P5P: This is the co-enzyme form of vitamin B6 which is involved in more than 200 metabolic processes. It is the most absorbable form of vitamin B6. It also aids with magnesium absorption.
I also suggest taking:
grass-fed butter, which will provide you with natural vitamin B12.

So in summary, your restless leg syndrome may be caused by a defected liver, clogged gallbladder, heavy metal toxicity, iron build up, mineral deficiency, acidity, inflammation, and pathogenic infection. For these, take:

• Kutki for the liver (1/4 teaspoon), or

– Guduchi for the liver (1/4 teaspoon)

• Ionic or chelated copper to help regulate unbound iron (1.5 mg to 2.5 mg)

• Bee pollen for the B vitamins, or

– RNA/DNA for B vitamins

• P5P for extra absorbable B6 (25 – 50 mg)

• Grassfed butter for B12

• Acerola or amla for natural vitamin C

• Magnesium glycinate or malate (400 mg or more), and

• Natural antibiotics, such as olive leaf extract, pau d’arco and oil of oregano to destroy pathogens.

Healing Chronic Constipation


We need to move our bowels everyday, at least once a day — otherwise toxins build up, and poison our blood and tissues. These toxins are created by the fermentation of putrefying food, and the bacteria that feed on them, the metabolic waste produced by our cells, the indigestible toxins in food, and others. It is critical that these poisonous agents be removed from the bowels daily. If they are not removed on a timely basis, they reabsorb back into our blood and settle in vulnerable tissues throughout the body.

Chronic constipation can be very stressful and debilitating to the mind. It can also be very uncomfortable and painful for the body. But healing it — when you discover how — can be amazingly simple and invigorating. What many people don’t know is that the stomach, small intestine and colon are made of: muscle. When you ingest food, this muscle (called smooth muscle) pushes the food along via automatic variations of contractions and expansions. The nutrient most responsible in aiding in the automatic process is none other than vitamin B1 (otherwise known as thiamine).

I recommend you take 50 mg of this vitamin for a week or two, and I can assure you, you will never have chronic constipation again. Do NOT take it with other B vitamins at the same time during this process: B vitamins compete with each other, and reduce each other’s effective if you take them at the same time.

I may not know you personally, but I can assure you, if you have had chronic constipation for many years, your brain cells are being affected. The colon has direct connection to the mind and brain. That is why depressed people often get constipated, and vice versa. I recommend you start taking these four (or five) other herbs, and I’ll tell you why:

a.) Shatavari or Triphala: Shatavari is good for maintaining a healthy colon, thus a healthy mind. It also balances the hormones.

Shatavari, used excessively, may increase estrogen levels in the body over time — so I only recommend using this for a few days at a time.

An everyday supplement that can be used to keep the bowels relatively healthy is a very popular ayurvedic herb-berry blend called Triphala. This herb-berry blend contains amla, haritaki and bibhitaki.

b.) Olive leaf extract: this herb acts as a natural antibiotic, killing bacteria, viruses, fungi/funguses such as mold and yeast, and other pathogens. Unlike synthetic drugs such as penicillin, whereby these germs can build up a resistance, they CANNOT with olive leaf extract. (Watch out for the Herxheimer-reaction. I can assure you, you will experience it for about a week. It’s natural.)

c.) Turmeric with coconut oil: This is good for the brain cells and to prevent cancer tumors from forming/developing in the colon. 1/4 teaspoon once per day, and no more. Too much of a good thing — even that can lead to bad things.

d.) Guduchi: If I could only recommend three herbs to people, this herb would be one of them.

I personally suffered from chronic constipation every time I used the restroom for the entire first 20 years of my life. It was not until I read about the muscular coordination of the digestive tract and that vitamin B1 was the solution to fix that, that I finally received relief. It took three days of me using 50 mg of B1 to resolve my chronic constipation forever. Depending on your situation, you may need to try the other supplements I recommended to resolve the further damage long term, chronic constipation may have contributed to.