Restless Leg Syndrome: The Cause and the Correction


Restless leg syndrome (RLS) is a condition whereby there is an irresistible urge to move the legs due to dis-ease of the legs and feet. This simple act of moving the legs, or similar body part, effectively causes temporary relief of symptoms — an itch you cannot scratch, the feeling of tiny creatures crawling in your legs. The RLS condition most often occur at rest, and often at night, thereby preventing the person from being able to rest or sleep. Medical science has termed this condition as idiopathic, meaning of unknown cause.

I speculate the origin of this dis-ease may reside in the world of liver and gallbladder malfunction, leading to:

– heavy metal toxicity, mainly unbound iron toxicity disguised as iron anemia, caused by a lack of especially bioavailable copper to regulate the iron

– a lack of vitamins, namely certain B vitamins, especially thiamine (B1) and folate (B9),

– a lack of natural vitamin C that would otherwise maintain collagen, prevent bleeding and balance other minerals, and

– a lack of absorbable magnesium to buffer inflammation and toxicity. (Some people have claimed spraying magnesium on their legs and feet gave them almost instant relief.)

This liver and gallbladder malfunction then lead to neurological effects, and disturbances of the magnetic field of the body. Some people have even reported a relief of symptoms just by rubbing dry soap on their calf area and feet. Could it be the ingredients in soap are acting like a buffer to the magnetic disturbances — could it be a grounding effect to static electricity?

When the body becomes acidic, inflamed and heated, this attracts not only cholesterol (oxidized or otherwise), but also pathogens to the area site. The affected area literally becomes a breeding ground for bacteria, viruses or fungi, caused by said toxicity and chronic lack of nutrients.

If you are having restless leg syndrome, then you are most likely suffering from a liver problem to some degree. The liver is not metabolizing the nutrients out of the foods you eat properly, and the bile from the gallbladder is not properly binding toxins to be expelled out of the body. This then leads to a build up of toxins, and clogging of the gallbladder with stranded toxic bile.

Many of us have liver congestion due to the fact that the gallbladder is filled with gallstones — not allowing bile to flow and recycle properly to digest and metabolize our foods.
There are two ayurvedic herb, namely, kutki and guduchi, that heal most liver problems, gallbladder dysfunctionality and even spleen and pancreatic malfunctions.
A defected liver causes a mineral deficiency of every kind. Vitamin B deficiency is surely partly due to the fact that your liver is not working properly.
I recommend taking natural vitamin B found in either of these two forms:
1. Bee pollen
2. RNA/DNA (RNA/DNA is made from brewer’s yeast, which contains natural B vitamins.)

In addition I recommend taking:
P5P: This is the co-enzyme form of vitamin B6 which is involved in more than 200 metabolic processes. It is the most absorbable form of vitamin B6. It also aids with magnesium absorption.
I also suggest taking:
grass-fed butter, which will provide you with natural vitamin B12.

So in summary, your restless leg syndrome may be caused by a defected liver, clogged gallbladder, heavy metal toxicity, iron build up, mineral deficiency, acidity, inflammation, and pathogenic infection. For these, take:

• Kutki for the liver (1/4 teaspoon), or

– Guduchi for the liver (1/4 teaspoon)

• Ionic or chelated copper to help regulate unbound iron (1.5 mg to 2.5 mg)

• Bee pollen for the B vitamins, or

– RNA/DNA for B vitamins

• P5P for extra absorbable B6 (25 – 50 mg)

• Grassfed butter for B12

• Acerola or amla for natural vitamin C

• Magnesium glycinate or malate (400 mg or more), and

• Natural antibiotics, such as olive leaf extract, pau d’arco and oil of oregano to destroy pathogens.

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