The Other Herbs I Love


Five years ago, I wrote about nine of my most cherished herbs. Now, I will list sixteen more.


Bhumi Amalaki: I previously wrote about herbs good for the liver, like kutki, eclipta alba and guduchi. Now I’ll add another ayurvedic herb, Bhumi Amalaki. This herb goes well with kutki, in rejuvenating a dying, fatty liver. In Peru, it’s known as chanca piedra — the stone breaker. If you want to protect your gallbladder from gallstones or surgery, think Bhumi Amalaki. It is also protective of the kidneys — removing excess oxalate crystals. These features will also relieve chronic abdominal pain and painful urination.

Bhumi Amalaki may also be useful for those suffering from diabetes, Hepatitis B, and HIV.

Other names: phyllanthus niruri, Bhumi amla


Jiaogulan: an herb originating from Southern China, this is known as the “Immortality herb”. People who drink this herb as a tea, seem to live longer, healthier lives. Containing 82 saponins called gypenosides, it is extremely useless for those with both pre-diabetes and diabetes. May also reduce visceral and subcutaneous fat.

Other names: Gynostemma Pentaphyllum, Southern Ginseng


Astragalus: this herb shares certain similarities with Jiaogulan — also sharing anti-aging characteristics, presumably by keeping the telomeres of cells healthy. Astragalus is famously known as a kidney cleanser, reducing protein loss, while increasing excretion of unwanted uric acid. This consequently improves blood pressure and heart function.


Andrographis: known as the “King of bitters” for a reason: because it is a very bitter herb. This bitterness helps make everything else sweet: improving arthritic conditions, such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Its immune system regulator and strengthening abilities help improve many conditions: asthma, flu, common cold, bronchitis, COPD, COVID, TB, Lyme disease and even malaria. The key is to taking this herb at the onset of these conditions — preferably within 72 hours.

There is also credible evidence that andrographis may show improvement of the hard to treat inflammatory bowel disease Ulcerative colitis.

There is also credible evidence that this herb may show beneficial for certain cancers!

Other names: Andrographis paniculata, Green chiretta, Kalmegh


Pau d’arco: from the Amazon rainforest of South America and the inner bark of the tabebuia tree, while improving immune system function, this herb is famous for relieving candida overgrowth in women. Containing compounds known as naphthoquinones, it is known for being anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and maybe even anti-cancer!

Do not consume in high doses!

Other names: Tabebuia avellanedae, Taheebo and Lapacho


Neem: like andrographis, an extremely bitter herb from ayurveda. For temporary use only — may dry the body and skin. Not for pregnant or breastfeeding women, as may cause spontaneous abortion. Very antiparasitic, antiviral, antibacterial, antiseptic,  antifungal and anti infection. Purifies the blood and may reduce blood sugar.


Punarnava: like andrographis, may be good for Ulcerative colitis due to its anti inflammatory properties. May also be helpful for Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Literally meaning “the one that renews”, punarnava has a whole body cleansing effect, including as a diuretic. May also be helpful for weight loss and those with Rheumatoid arthritis.

Other names: Boerhaavia diffusa


African Geranium: from South Africa, very antibacterial and antiviral and proven exceptionally effective for upper respiratory tract infections: common cold, laryngitis (voice box), pharyngitis (sore throat), rhinosinusitis (sinuses); and even lower respiratory tract infections: acute bronchitis; tuberculosis.

Other names: Pelargonium sidoides, South African geranium, Umckaloabo (a brand name)


Mullein: like African geranium, helps with inflammation and infections of the lungs. As an expectorant, may reduce mucus. Very useful and effective for those suffering from sleep apnea. May also be helpful in treating other inflammation and infections throughout the body, including ear infections.


Arjuna: from ayurveda and from the bark of the Terminalia arjuna tree, this herb contains triterpene glycosides that may improve heart function and reduce chest pain. Other compounds have been isolated like arjunetoside, oleanolic and arjunic acids, that may contribute to improvement of the left ventricle of the heart, thus improving blood flow throughout the entire body.


Dan shen: like Arjuna, a Chinese (TCM) herb that may improve heart function by reducing excess platelets in the blood. Excess platelets causes congestion in the blood and make blood flow harder. As a consequence of this herb, blood becomes thinner and blood vessels become wider. All of this manifests as reduced chest pain, blood pressure, heart attack and stroke.

Other names: Salvia miltiorrhizao, Chinese Red Sage


Hawthorn: like Dan shen, hawthorn is good for the heart. Flavonoids like rutin and quercetin may help heart muscle contract better, increasing blood and oxygen supply to the heart muscle. This may thus decrease chest pain or irregular heartbeat. May also be a credible option for those suffering from the beginning stages of heart failure.

The most effective part of this herb for improving heart conditions is the flowers. Leafs and berries can also be used but are less effective.


Blue Vervain: this is the herb for anxiety, depression and insomnia. Known for its calming effect on the nervous system, the verbenalin, an iridoid glycosides, in blue vervain may increase sleep onset and duration. One side effect may be strange dreams or nightmares.

Blue vervain may also be effective against epilepsy, including the classic tonic-clonic seizures.

Other names: Verbena hastata, American vervain

[Should not be confused with its sister plant, common vervain — the European plant version (aka Verbena officinalis).]


Dragon’s Blood: a natural red resin (from tree sap), often used in rituals, extracted from a variety of tropical trees called Dragon trees, primarily, Croton lechleri. Commonly used for digestive issues including internal ulcers. Has antimicrobial properties and can help heal receding gum if used as a mouth rinse. Also used for external ulcers, and other skin wound to accelerate healing. May reduce arthritic pain when used topically.

If used internally, for short term use only — about one week at a time.

Other names: Sangre de Grado


Persian Saffron: known as the sunshine spice and the most expensive spice in the world. Effective for anxiety and depression, this spice is known for providing relief of PMS symptoms in women, even by just inhaling the herb. It may also improve sleep quality, reduce cravings, and manage diabetes. May also lubricate sex organs and increase sexual desire.

Pregnant women should not use this spice!

Saffron has many fake competition, so it is important to do research to make sure you’re getting authentic saffron. Look for saffron from Persian or Iranian origin.

Even though saffron may show beneficial in tackling certain degenerative diseases, like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, and also in certain cancers, it is important to remember that saffron is a spice, and should only be used safely in small amounts, at about 15 mg twice per day.

Other names: Crocus sativus


Fenugreek: like saffron, may also increase sexual desire in both sexes, by balancing hormones like estrogen and testosterone. May manage blood sugar and diabetes by slowing sugar absorption in the stomach and stimulating insulin more effectively. Increases milk supply in breastfeeding women. High in iron, excess may cause gastrointestinal issues.


Caution should be taken while using herbs with any medication, if pregnant or breastfeeding and two weeks before surgery. Typical side effects — though rare — may include: nausea, vomiting, dizziness, stomach upset, skin rash, anemia, constipation and/or diarrhea.

Crohn’s disease: A Disease Caused by Trauma!


If you are reading this, you may already know that Crohn’s disease is a devastating type of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), indiscriminately causing chronic inflammatory digestive problems along the gastrointestinal tract. I have experimented with numerous natural supplements —not specifically for Crohn’s — but for similar ailments, to finally seeing very satisfactory end-results. Here I will discuss these various supplements and natural healing methods, including ayurvedic herbs that have been used to heal many digestive tract ailments, — including Crohn’s — throughout the centuries, and for me personally as a beneficiary.

The complete digestive tract shares direct relationship with the brain and the way we think. Often, people with Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis have had a major traumatic experience or many traumatic experiences throughout their lives. These folks often live a life of severe depression. Just as depression stagnates the mind, it also stagnates the digestive tract. In the case of Crohn’s, the cecum, the beginning part of the large intestine that connects from the small intestine is often compromised with undigested food and bacteria, causing an inflammatory response. This inflammatory response radiates throughout the digestive tract, sporadically. Even worse, this inflammatory response will affect the entire thickness of the intestinal tract where it lays.

People with this disease often suffer from large amounts of intraheptic stones in the liver and extrahepatic stones in the gallbladder.  This thus causes a lack of bile availability to the gallbladder. This lack of bile then compromises the digestion of food — especially fats — in the small intestine and a lack of lubrication to the wall of the large intestine.

To start the healing process of Crohn’s disease, you must increase the proper formation of bile in the liver. This is done by consuming both sour and bitter foods. You may also increase the flow of bile by performing a series of coffee enemas.

Now I recommend a series of procedures,  starting with:

1. Dragon’s Blood tincture: A traditional Chinese medicine, this tree sap has had promising results alleviating many stomach issues, including Crohn’s and Ulcerative colitis.

2. DGL (Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice): chewed 15 minutes before each meal. DGL soothes and promotes mucosal coating for the stomach and intestinal tract. You will feel the soothing effect quickly.

3. Zinc has been tested and found to strengthen the gut lining in patients with Crohn’s disease. But most zinc supplements are not the right kind and are quite dangerous when taken in supplement form. If you decide to use zinc, it must only come from real food, and not synthetically (avoid zinc oxide and zinc picolinate, for example). A company called Naturelo sells Vegan Zinc stated to be made from real food, and another company called Nutrigold sells Zinc Gold — both made from real food!

4. Guduchi/Ginger/Turmeric combination:

Guduchi is an ayurvedic herb that helps fix many liver problems and causes bile to develop properly in the liver and flow properly from the gallbladder into the common bile duct, hence lubricating the intestinal tract for proper digestion of food.

Adding ginger enhances guduchi’s effectiveness also, particularly when it comes to healing Crohn’s disease.

Adding turmeric mixed with coconut oil may prove triple effective with guduchi and ginger. So, it’s a pinch of guduchi, ginger and turmeric mixed with coconut oil — this blend is a winner!

5. Wild chaga tea: there are compounds, minerals and vitamins in the chaga conk that will soothe the intestinal tract over time. For instance, magnesium reduces inflammation throughout the body; so does copper. The chaga conk contains all these, and much more. This conk works on a microscopic level, healing and reinvigorating the inner networks of a cell, including the cell’s energy house — its  mitochondria.

6. Olive leaf extract: This acts as a NATURAL antibiotic, killing some forms of bad bacteria, viruses, funguses such as mold and yeast, and parasites. Unlike synthetic drugs such as penicillin, pathogens WILL NOT/ CAN NOT build up a resistance to this herb. (There will be the Herxheimer-reaction for a short period of time while using this herb.)

7. Sunlight: most people with Crohn’s disease are low on vitamin D and a dysfunctioning of the hormone serotonin.
15 minutes of sun for light -skinned people and 25 minutes for darker skinned people, at least four (4) days per week, will provide about 10,000 IU’s of vitamin D per day. A lack of vitamin D can cause colon cancer and other cancers. (If you opt to take Vitamin D3 via supplements, make sure to take it with a whole-food multivitamin containing natural vitamins A, E, and vitamin K2 mk-7 to prevent kidney stones and arterial calcification.)
Serotonin, considered both a neurotransmitter and a hormone produced inside the body, is found mostly in the digestive system (95%) — and the brain (5%). Serotonin is said to improve mood and decreases symptoms of depression. However, it has actually been observed that too much (or a dysfunctioning of) serotonin causes more depression than low serotonin. My theory is this: Sunlight is a mega instigator/producer of serotonin. Darkness turns the serotonin into melatonin at night. If you are not sleeping at the right hours and for the right length of time, this old serotonin builds up and gets recycled and becomes toxic, since it was not timely converted to melatonin like it should have. If my theory is correct, it will not be unusual that low serotonin level will seem beneficial for some, while also causing problems for others, like depression and digestive issues. The problem is not with serotonin itself, but an interference of the process of serotonin being converted/synthesized  into melatonin at the appropriate time.

8. Leaves, stems and roots: compounds in dark leafy greens (and otherwise) such as cooked watercress, bok choy, yu choy, asparagus, red cabbage, parsley, daikon radish and kohlrabi will help alleviate the symptoms and causes of Crohn’s disease, over time.

As a bonus: I’ve heard Ayurveda tout the fruit bottle gourd — calabash — as a reliever of IBD symptoms, which may also improve symptoms  of Crohn’s disease.

9. Sour and bitter foods: Granny Smith apples and bitter melon will surely help stimulate the flow of bile, for example. This will in turn help to decrease the need for inflammation throughout the digestive tract caused by Crohn’s disease.

10. Refraining/avoiding: Avoid certain foods and products that may cause or increase inflammation. Avoid packaged foods, frozen foods, microwave foods, peanut products, nut butter, tomato or tomato sauce or any commercial sauce, eggs, garlic, onions, black pepper, cow’s milk and cheese, unripened banana, alcohol or any other product that may cause flare ups.  Focus on eating clean, fresh, organic foods.

11. Coffee enemas: Consider a series of coffee enemas — using organic,  medium roast coffee beans.  This may help stimulate bile production in the liver, and thus bile flow to the gallbladder. This procedure can be performed — occasionally — once or twice per week, sometimes more.

As a bonus, supplementing on a bile acid product called TUDCA during this time may enhance the production of bile flow.

12. Digestible oils: Certain oils may speed up the healing of Crohn’s disease, while others may aggravate the condition.  For example,  most people may find comfort in substituting coconut oil above all other oils,  being that coconut oil does not need bile to be properly digested and absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. Pure, cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil may work as well. So will butter.

On the contrary,  certain other oils,  even those with omega 3 fatty acids, may not be suitable for someone with Crohn’s.  Avoid canola, soy, corn, safflower or any other “vegetable” oils, for example, which are almost always used in fastfood and other restaurants. Avoid ghee as well — very inflammatory, creating damaging end-products that are not suitable for proper digestion. Avoid margarine, butter-substitutes (imitation) and trans fats as well.

As a bonus,  I’ve heard eating an orange or drinking fresh lemon juice on an empty stomach in the mornings may help reverse some of the damages caused by unhealthy oils!

13. Shatavari: can be taken 2 hours before a meal or 2 hours after. Shatavari acts as peristalsis that pushes the entire intestinal tract, to prevent stagnation of undigested food and toxins.

Shatavari, used excessively, may increase estrogen levels in the body over time. So I recommend taking this herb only short-term, between two (2) to four (4) weeks, at a time.


For me personally, the combination of guduchi-ginger and chaga as a tea resolved many of my digestive ailments the way no other supplement has in the last 30 years of me trying, having failed to find something other that worked. Also DGL had a great impact in preventing me from having food allergies. However, the combination of all these recommendations, I believe, will set the path in alleviating most of the symptoms associated with Crohn’s, in my humble opinion.


I have updated this article significantly  as I learn more. If you are suffering from this disease, or whatever it is, you will most likely have to deal with bacterial overgrowth and fungal overgrowth (SIBO, SIFO, for example) as well. So consider this reality in conjunction with tackling Crohn’s disease.

Oral Hygiene: How to Obtain and Maintain It


What causes cavities in our teeth? Is it bad bacteria? No, bad bacteria only show up after the crime scene. Then what is it? It’s our oral pH. That’s right! If our mouth is too acidic, then that changes the natural environment our teeth and gum needs to thrive in. Consequently, if it’s too alkaline, then that gives way for destruction bacteria to thrive and once again turn its environment acidic also.

Are your teeth decaying? Are you considering a root canal? If you are, then know this: Your blood is full of destructive bacteria! To prove this, then just do this: Get Olive leaf extract in tincture form and use it according to the label instructions. I can assure you by the third day, you will feel as if you are sick, with a cold or something, even a sore throat maybe. This sick feeling — you probably know– is actually a good thing. It is only temporary. It’s called the Herxheimer reaction. It is the mass destruction of bad bacteria in the blood that the stomach and liver could not have neutralized.
To change the environment of your mouth to a neutral— not too acidic, not too alkaline — to prevent tooth decay, to reverse tooth decay, and gum disease, there is an old ayurvedic method that has been practiced for thousands of years: Oil pulling (a.k.a. oil swishing).
Oil pulling as we know it in the U.S.A don’t work. It uses the least effective kind of oil — coconut oil — and for too long: 20 minutes. Flossing too can be dangerous, and using a hard toothbrush can also be too abrasive . What will work?

1.  Unrefined, organic, cold-pressed (or expeller-pressed) sesame oil, first thing in the morning before you eat anything. Slowly swish one (1) tablespoon of this for no more than 3 minutes. Then spit out and rinse your mouth with salt water. Repeat if desired. Then brush teeth with (toothpaste and) a soft bristle toothbrush.

2.  Wheatgrass (juice) powder, 1/4 teaspoon in 2 ounces of water — also for 3 minutes. This is many times more effective than coconut oil pulling; providing ideal pH for oral bacteria.

3.  Food-grade hydrogen peroxide (3 percent), 1/4 teaspoon in 1 ounce of water. Swish for 10 seconds, then spit out! I recommend you do this on a restricted bases, being that hydrogen peroxide kills both bad and good bacteria in your mouth. You need those good bacteria as much as you don’t need the bad ones. So I recommend hydrogen peroxide use only once or twice per month. Don’t even breathe in bottle when you open. AVOID the 35 percent hydrogen peroxide: it is too concentrated and (in my opinion) dangerous.

You should also spray your toothbrush with hydrogen peroxide each time before and after brushing teeth, as toothbrushes harbor a plethora of bad bacteria!

Instead of flossing, use a (quality brand) waterpik.

So, after swishing (sesame oil or wheatgrass) slowly for 3 minutes, spit out. Do not swallow either the sesame oil, wheatgrass mix or hydrogen peroxide. They will be filled with bacteria. Only 3 to 4 minutes is necessary. (Ten seconds is enough for the hydrogen peroxide.) Any longer will make the bacteria reabsorb back into your blood, teeth, etc. So, sesame oil in the morning, wheatgrass in the afternoon, and hydrogen peroxide once or twice per month is how I would do it. Or just choose one product of the three choices only — my personal favorite is the sesame oil swishing, followed by the wheatgrass juice mix.

Also, if your teeth is bad, your stomach, liver and blood are toxic because of toxins and nutritional deficiency. Your mouth depends on a healthy stomach to work properly. Think of your mouth as the door to a cave, the teeth are the gate,  and the esophagus and rest of the digestive system are the pathway within that cave. The exit to the cave is the anus. To keep bad things from backwashing into the entrance area (the mouth) or gate area (the teeth), we need everything else to be working properly. Use Icelandic sea kelp for your micro nutrients and wild chaga tea for your macro nutrients. And as previously mentioned, use olive leaf extract occasionally to destroy excessive bad bacteria.

In our effort to perfect oral health, we often overlook gum health. There are two diseases mainly associated with the gum. The first is caused by the build up of plaque, that then leads to the formation of a hard structure called tartar. That disease is called gingivitis! Gingivitis is inflammation of the gum. If gingivitis is not treated, it leads to the second gum disease, known as periodontitis! This second disease not only affects the gum, but also the bone structure that holds the teeth in place.

Plaque by itself is not a bad thing. It would be a terrible idea to try to continually eradicate all plaque from your mouth by using something like  xylitol gum, or hydrogen peroxide, all the time. We need plaque to:

  • Provide nutrients to teeth
  • House friendly bacteria which create a proper pH of no less than 5.5 (ideally 6.9) for the mouth
  • House friendly bacteria which create their own hydrogen peroxide to drive off bad bacteria.

Plaque is only dangerous when it increases to a level intolerable for healthy teeth and gum.

To maintain proper gum health, consider a tree sap product known as:

  • Dragon’s blood (tincture).

This product will help heal receding gum that may lead to gingivitis. Add the tincture to the gum area for 30 seconds or 60 seconds. It will produce a feeling in your mouth that takes time to get use to.

To maintain proper plaque levels on the teeth or to reduce excessive plaque, consider

  • vitamin K2 MK-7, in its trans form.

This will help remove excess plaque from teeth and gum area.

To prevent gum bleeding, natural vitamin C is the remedy for that. Try

  • Amla or Acerola

So in summary, for proper oral hygiene, try:

– Unrefined, organic, cold-pressed, sesame oil (3 minutes) first thing after waking up

– Wheatgrass (juice) powder (3 minutes)

– Food-grade hydrogen peroxide (10 seconds). For short-term use only!

– Dragon’s blood tincture (30 seconds to 60 seconds)

– Vitamin K2 MK-7 in its trans form. Ingest.

– Natural Vitamin C: Amla/Acerola

– Also consider ingesting icelandic sea kelp, wild chaga tea and olive leaf extract for digestive health; spray your toothbrush with hydrogen peroxide before each use, and use a quality brand waterpik instead of a regular tooth floss.