Restless Leg Syndrome: The Cause and the Correction


Restless leg syndrome (RLS) is a condition whereby there is an irresistible urge to move the legs due to dis-ease of the legs and feet. This simple act of moving the legs, or similar body part, effectively causes temporary relief of symptoms — an itch you cannot scratch, the feeling of tiny creatures crawling in your legs. The RLS condition most often occur at rest, and often at night, thereby preventing the person from being able to rest or sleep. Medical science has termed this condition as idiopathic, meaning of unknown cause.

I speculate the origin of this dis-ease may reside in the world of liver and gallbladder malfunction, leading to:

– heavy metal toxicity, mainly unbound iron toxicity disguised as iron anemia, caused by a lack of especially bioavailable copper to regulate the iron

– a lack of vitamins, namely certain B vitamins, especially thiamine (B1) and folate (B9),

– a lack of natural vitamin C that would otherwise maintain collagen, prevent bleeding and balance other minerals, and

– a lack of absorbable magnesium to buffer inflammation and toxicity. (Some people have claimed spraying magnesium on their legs and feet gave them almost instant relief.)

This liver and gallbladder malfunction then lead to neurological effects, and disturbances of the magnetic field of the body. Some people have even reported a relief of symptoms just by rubbing dry soap on their calf area and feet. Could it be the ingredients in soap are acting like a buffer to the magnetic disturbances — could it be a grounding effect to static electricity?

When the body becomes acidic, inflamed and heated, this attracts not only cholesterol (oxidized or otherwise), but also pathogens to the area site. The affected area literally becomes a breeding ground for bacteria, viruses or fungi, caused by said toxicity and chronic lack of nutrients.

If you are having restless leg syndrome, then you are most likely suffering from a liver problem to some degree. The liver is not metabolizing the nutrients out of the foods you eat properly, and the bile from the gallbladder is not properly binding toxins to be expelled out of the body. This then leads to a build up of toxins, and clogging of the gallbladder with stranded toxic bile.

Many of us have liver congestion due to the fact that the gallbladder is filled with gallstones — not allowing bile to flow and recycle properly to digest and metabolize our foods.
There are two ayurvedic herb, namely, kutki and guduchi, that heal most liver problems, gallbladder dysfunctionality and even spleen and pancreatic malfunctions.
A defected liver causes a mineral deficiency of every kind. Vitamin B deficiency is surely partly due to the fact that your liver is not working properly.
I recommend taking natural vitamin B found in either of these two forms:
1. Bee pollen
2. RNA/DNA (RNA/DNA is made from brewer’s yeast, which contains natural B vitamins.)

In addition I recommend taking:
P5P: This is the co-enzyme form of vitamin B6 which is involved in more than 200 metabolic processes. It is the most absorbable form of vitamin B6. It also aids with magnesium absorption.
I also suggest taking:
grass-fed butter, which will provide you with natural vitamin B12.

So in summary, your restless leg syndrome may be caused by a defected liver, clogged gallbladder, heavy metal toxicity, iron build up, mineral deficiency, acidity, inflammation, and pathogenic infection. For these, take:

• Kutki for the liver (1/4 teaspoon), or

– Guduchi for the liver (1/4 teaspoon)

• Ionic or chelated copper to help regulate unbound iron (1.5 mg to 2.5 mg)

• Bee pollen for the B vitamins, or

– RNA/DNA for B vitamins

• P5P for extra absorbable B6 (25 – 50 mg)

• Grassfed butter for B12

• Acerola or amla for natural vitamin C

• Magnesium glycinate or malate (400 mg or more), and

• Natural antibiotics, such as olive leaf extract, pau d’arco and oil of oregano to destroy pathogens.

Rheumatoid Arthritis: What It is and What to do About It


If you have recently been experiencing gradual pain in your hands and feet, morning stiffness, dry eyes and tingling, numbing sensations (carpel tunnel syndrome) in certain fingers and hands, then you are not simply getting old. You may be experiencing a condition known as Rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis is manifested as inflammation of the synovium (synovial membrane containing synovial fluid) in the joints, that acts as a source of lubrication to the joints. White blood cells activated by the adrenals are sent into the synovium for some strange reason. This process causes inflammation and swelling to said spots. Science defines rheumatoid arthritis as an autoimmune disease in which the body is attacking mainly joint areas of the body. But what really is rheumatoid arthritis, and what is causing it?

In truth, rheumatoid arthritis is your adrenal glands attempting to get rid of toxins and primarily unbound iron that is stuck in and hijacking the cells surrounding your joints and other areas! It — RA — is a symmetrical condition that causes internal heat, and pain all over. It can also be accompanied by fever, especially at night. Sitting, relaxing or remaining inactive does not make the condition better; in fact, it makes it worse. People suffering from RA are encouraged to keep mobile, and take hot baths to help alleviate symptoms. RA also displays conditions that may appear to be anemia. But in reality, though it may constitute being a blood problem, it has nothing to do with anemia.

There is a protein connection to Rheumatoid arthritis. Contrary to popular belief, the stomach acid in the human body is rather weak, only capable of digesting max 40 to 45 grams of animal protein per day. It really doesn’t matter if it’s grass-fed or not. So, if you consume a typical serving of steak, only about 15 percent of that will be digested, while the rest is expelled, or stored in the blood vessel walls and connective tissue as collagen fiber. If these storage places are saturated, then the body has no choice but to turn the excess undigested protein into various acids, namely, nitric, sulfuric and phosphoric, similar to auto battery acid. These acids often require minerals to buffer them in preventing the body from becoming too acidic. This mineral requirement depletes the rest of the body of minerals needed elsewhere.

Another acid, usually associated with inflammation of the big toe, a.k.a. gout — may be a hidden conspirator in the onset of RA. That acid is uric acid, made from purines, which in itself is created from the proteins, alcohol and yeast in our bodies. When there is excess uric acid higher than can be excreted by the kidneys through urine, all manner of evil wreak havoc on our biological system. One of those evils may very well be RA. An excellent herb to reduce uric acid comes from ayurveda, called Guduchi. Combining Guduchi with a little ginger will enhance its effectiveness in reducing uric acid.

There is an iron connection to Rheumatoid arthritis. Our body runs on about 25 milligrams of iron every day — ONLY about 1 mg should come from the diet, while the other 24 mg should be recycled by the body, from within the body. There are many breakfast cereals offering 8 to 18 mg of iron filings in just ONE cup serving! We are suffering from iron overload and toxicity from the wrong form of iron, not anemia.

An easy way to manage excess iron in the body from becoming oxidative stress — a fancy term for rust — is to consume natural products that contain bio-available copper. Copper regulates iron in the body. Natural vitamin C found in Amla or acerola is the way to go! Organic bee pollen is another good choice. Pollination does not occur without copper, meaning, bee pollen contains natural copper. Also, grass-finished liver contains both copper and retinol. (Copper needs retinol to be itself metabolized properly). One ounce every other day would be ideal.

An extreme option to getting excess unbound iron out of your body would be to donate one liter of blood every six months to a year, which is equivalent to ridding your body of 250 mg of iron, each session. Still another option would be to use IP-6, on an empty stomach, away from food and supplements. IP-6 a.k.a. phytic acid, will help chelate unbound iron out of your body. This product also chelates other important minerals, such as calcium and zinc. So you would want to replace these minerals with food-rich sources.

There is a toxins and heavy metals connection to Rheumatoid arthritis. For example, glyphosate, which is a herbicide and drying agent sprayed on crops to keep weed away is a potent example. Glyphosate disrupts mineral metabolism in the body, causing a depletion of mineral homeostasis. The usual process to make decaffeinated coffee also causes various toxins to accumulate in the final product, thus many people are developing rheumatoid arthritis from consuming decaffeinated coffee. All of this can be mitigate or even avoided by consuming only organic foods (or certified organic even better) and by avoiding known products — like cigarettes and pharmaceuticals — that are made with or exposed to toxins.

And there are also herbs to cleanse toxins from the body — a most notable one being Punarnava. Literally meaning “the one that renews”, Punarnava helps renew the body and blood from old toxins. Another herb, called Andrographis, can add a cleansing effect to the liver, purging it and reinvigorating it from old toxins.


Reversing RA will surely involve managing your blood’s production of acids, namely, nitric-, sulfuric- and phosphoric- acids that developed from a high animal protein/dairy diet. Uric acid is also highly suspected in RA onset, and Guduchi with ginger should be implement to reduce said acid. Removing unbound iron out of the cells through fasting and with herbs such as Turmeric with coconut oil, which actually helps get rid of iron. You also need bio-available copper to manage iron! You also need to watch out for any food or product that may expose you to toxins and heavy metals.  And you need to maintain a healthy colon through daily bowel movements — thus limiting the possibility of any toxic build-up of iron, or any other toxins and heavy metals.

So in summary, to reduce the effects of or prevent rheumatoid arthritis:

Minimize animal protein intake

Take Guduchi with ginger to reduce uric acid

– Practice occasional intermittent fasting

– Minimize synthetic iron intake

– Increase bio-available copper with amla, acerola, or organic bee pollen

– Eat one ounce of grass-finished liver EVERY OTHER day

– Donate 1 liter of blood or use IP-6 to chelate unbound iron out of your body

– Take Punarnava to renew the body

– Take Andrographis to renew the liver

– Take small amounts of Turmeric with coconut oil to excrete unbound iron

Eat organic foods only and avoid any product that may have a hint of toxins or heavy metals

– Move your bowels daily

Note that the six prime herbs listed to alleviate rheumatoid arthritis are: Guduchi, Ginger, Amla, Turmeric, Punarnava and Andrographis.


Skin Rashes from Sun Exposure: How to Deal with It


If you suffer skin sensitivity from sun exposure, the sun is not your problem: your liver, colon, lymphatic system and kidneys are your problem. They are not doing a good job, for whatever reason, detoxifying your body. It could be due to chronic constipation, gallstones in the gallbladder, lack of bile flow, unbound iron in the blood, metabolic wastes and dead cellular debris building up in the lymphatic system. It could also be chronic nutritional deficiency. It could be heavy metals such as aluminum, cadmium, mercury or lead. It could even be the very minerals and vitamins meant to nourish your body, acting as toxins. However, the cascade almost always starts with gallstones originating from the liver clogging up the gallbladder and obstructing bile-flow.

If you are not moving your bowels everyday, undigested food will rot, and toxins will build up. These undigested food releases putrefying toxins in the bloodstream, then the tissues and organs. If the body is unable to digest food protein, for example, it will store it as collagen fiber in the blood vessel walls. If it is unable to store as such, then this protein is converted into nitric-, sulfuric- and phosphoric- acids — similar to battery acid. Your body then becomes more acidic, creating an ideal environment for pathogens. If you have chronic constipation, you must increase your vitamin B1 level, until problem is resolved.

Many people with this condition will discover that they may have low vitamin D levels. If you do have a low vitamin D problem, what that really means is that you have a low magnesium and high calcium problem. Please read that again. The vitamin D in your body is actually keeping low on purpose to save you from calcium toxicity, and magnesium deficiency. Your body is inflamed internally. What you really need to do is increase your magnesium level. In fact, the root of depression is an imbalance between the calcium/magnesium ratio.

Okay, your skin is reacting to the sun, even though the sun is supposed to be a natural healer. The reason for your rashes is because your liver is no longer able to detoxify toxins efficiently, causing your blood and lymphatic system to become “polluted.” These pollutants/toxins then lodge in the basal wall membrane of your capillaries, depriving your skin of oxygen and nutrients.

Your skin essentially can’t “breathe” because of these toxins clogging it. Ideally, the sebaceous glands in your skin produces a fluid called sebum. This fluid nourishes the hair follicle and adds luster to the hair. It also serves as a natural anti-pathogenic agent for the skin. The lack of it will hasten dry, sensitive skin.

Here’s also what I would do in order of importance to help heal a sun sensitive skin — these may work for other skin conditions such as acne, psoriasis, etc:

  • Wild Siberian chaga
  •  Guduchi
    Add 1/4 teaspoon each of these in hot water… Or boil them for an hour or so. Sip hot in a thermos throughout the day. I personally do this three times per week. Discard the sediment that settles on the bottom. Wild Siberian chaga is better than any other type. Both guduchi and chaga heals the liver.
  • Manjistha: this herb WILL unclog any congestion in your entire lymphatic system. Red root is also another good herb for this. I use them often, when needed.
  • Magnesium glycinate/malate 400mg daily. These absorbable forms of magnesium will increase your vitamin D3 level EVEN if you stop supplementing on D3.
  • Grass-fed/grass-finished (organic) liver. This contains natural vitamin A, B12, choline, iron, folate, zinc, copper. Consume 4 to 6 ounces about once per week — even if you are vegan/vegetarian. You can also buy desiccated grass-finished liver online.
  • Atlantic oysters. These contain ideal levels of copper, zinc and selenium. Try this also once per week.
  • Organic bee pollen. This contains natural B vitamins and copper. Taste test on your tongue first to make sure you’re not allergic. Natural vitamin B is needed for so many things.
  • Natural vitamin C found either in amla or acerola. I consume these supplements almost everyday. They heal damaged, oxidized tissues.
  • Try to donate about 1 liter of blood once every six months to a year. You are iron toxic. Iron toxic means you have a lot of unbound iron, acting as a heavy metal or free radical, destroying your tissues. Unbound iron is not attached to hemoglobin, or anything, like it should be. Glaucoma is an iron toxicity problem. Unbound iron has an affinity for lodging itself in the liver, and destroying it, and causing skin problems.

In summary, to alleviate skin rash caused by sun exposure to the skin:

– Be sure to be moving your bowels daily ( Vitamin B1 helps)

– Try chaga/guduchi tea for its whole-body healing effect

– Try manjistha for your lymphatic system

– Try magnesium to reduce inflammation

– Eat grass-fed/finished liver once per week for its rich mineral content

– Eat oysters once per week

– Try organic bee pollen for its copper and B vitamin content

– Try natural vitamin C (amla/acerola) for wound healing and nourishment

– Donate blood once or twice per year.



I’ve recently discovered another herb that appears to possess protection against the effects of Sun-induced damage, specifically against Ultraviolet-induced damage to the skin, when taken orally. Skin damage was reduced from both UVA and UVB radiation. That herb is called polypodium leucotomos.

It is also said to be effective against some cases of psoriasis, while also boosting the immune system. 


Healing Lyme Disease


Lyme disease is a condition with various flu-like symptoms, along with various other aches and pain, that comes about ultimately from a weakened immune system. It is often attributed to a bacterium from tick bite.

Lyme disease is more of a symptom to a disease rather than the disease itself. The actual disease is a weakened immune system and methylation defect. Supposedly, you could be bitten by a tick, and then have the bacteria lay dormant for years, even decades, without you even knowing you were ever bitten or infected. A detox cleanse or a weakening of the immune system can then suddenly bring the infection to life.

Beside through skin, nose or mouth, the pathway to pathogenic infections for many people also comes through another source: the ears! Our ears have minimum defense against many and any pathogens. Many people think that to destroy these pathogens they must alkalize their body. Actually, many pathogens thrive in alkalinity and push away acidity. Thus, to “acidify” your ears, consider using 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide ten minutes before taking a shower. You can use a dropper to administer the peroxide. 3% only. You can do this once every six months.
Second way to acidify the body from pathogens is to acidify the stomach, by using a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a cup of water before meals. Do this for about 3 weeks. (Continuous use of apple cider vinegar is not recommended. Such can damage the fragile tissues of the esophagus and the duodenum. It can also damage teeth enamel.)

Next, you need to remineralize your body. Simply put, methylation is a process that keeps us alive and well, and that happens intricately in our cells, chemically adapting the structure of our DNA with the use of nutrients, enzymes and co-enzymes. Among the main players in the process are the genes S-Adenosyl methionine (SAM-e), S-Adenosyl-l-homocysteine (SAH), and Adenosylhomocysteinase (AHCY). During the methylation process, SAMe sends SAH to the AHCY enzyme. If AHCY is defected (these defects are labeled heterozygous or homozygous), it will not let SAH through, thus causing a toxic buildup of SAH. Toxic levels of SAH can actually shut down the entire methylation process! AHCY also becomes defected when it is lacking its co-factors: magnesium and manganese. The Lyme bacteria — Borrelia burgdorferi and rarely, Borrelia mayonii — feed on and deplete these minerals from your body. Also another enzyme, SOD2 (superoxide dismutase 2, a.k.a. manganese-dependent superoxide dismutase) which is responsible for protecting the mitochondria, needs manganese to work efficiently. One study found that this bacterium substitutes manganese for iron in its diet, and that this pathogen is the first known organism to live without iron. You however only need about 2 mg of manganese per day to be up to par. (Too much manganese, on the other hand, can be dangerous.)

Other cofactors are depleted from someone with Lyme disease. These include zinc, copper, taurine, vitamin D3 and vitamin C. Instead of purchasing these separately, you can obtain a natural supplement that contains all of these minerals, vitamins, amino acids, etc. One such supplement is called Naturelo One Daily multivitamin. When choosing a vitamin supplement, it is important to insure that it is from natural sources, and not synthetic. It should contain beta carotene rather than retinol, P5P rather than B6, folate rather than folic acid, organic kelp rather than iodine, and cherries or berries rather than ascorbic acid for vitamin C. Naturelo contains all these natural sources.

If your vitamin D3 level is inadequate, consider natural vitamin D3 found in sunlight or natural food sources. The sun is a natural healer, capable of rearranging minerals in the body, taking them to places they need to be and away from other places they are less needed. This thus balances hormones. Consider at least 20 minutes of sunlight 3 or 4 times per week, exposing the fattier parts of your body. The best time to effectively absorb the UV-B rays from sunlight are between the hours of 10:30 am to 2:30 pm. If sunlight is not practical, consider food sources found in various mushrooms and lichens.

To further boost your immune system, consider taking pau d’arco tea for about one to two month, along with wild oregano oil, olive leaf extract and andrographis. These act as powerful natural antibiotics, capable of destroying a plethora and wide range of pathogens. I’ve heard some people say this method alone resolved their Lyme disease issues. Be warned of a flu-like symptom known as the Herxheimer-reaction. This comes about due to the sudden mass die-off of these pathogens, and the destruction of the tissue-cells they infected.

Collagen is also depleted with Lyme disease. Natural vitamin C will rebuild this. Among the best source is amla (berry). A second source is acerola (berry).

If you are having heart palpitations or high blood pressure, then the problem originated from a defected liver, not the heart! Consider going to Chinatown and purchasing one of their most famous herb products: Dan Shen. Use it for two months and see what happens to the palpitations! Also consider pure pomegranate juice and Ubiquinol in conjunction.

In summary to effectively heal Lyme disease, try:

– 3% hydrogen peroxide in the ears once every six months.

– A natural multivitamin such as Naturelo One Daily, which contains magnesium and manganese

– Natural sunshine for its vitamin D and other healing powers

– Natural antibiotics such as Pau D’arco tea, oil of oregano, olive leaf extract and andrograp‌his

– Natural vitamin C found in amla or acerola.

Fibromyalgia: This Pain Must Stop!


Fibromyalgia — often accompanied with fatigue and irregular sleeping patterns — is a widespread inflammation of muscle tissue throughout various parts of the body, causing pain and tenderness. Currently medical science has classified its origin of unknown cause. In this article, we will examine more closely the possible core cause of fibromyalgia, and natural remedies to alleviate its symptoms.

Fibromyalgia is a syndrome, which means it’s like putting many puzzle pieces together to conclude what it is. It is not simply diagnosed with a blood test or any single test at current. Totaling up tender-points that trigger pain is the main method used to determine whether or not someone has this condition. Many people who are diagnosed are actually not suffering from this condition. Simply increasing certain minerals, like iodine and selenium, have corrected symptoms that appeared to be fibromyalgia. Simply decongesting the gallbladder has given pain relief to some who taught they had incurable fibromyalgia.

If you have fibromyalgia, it was initiated by some type of stress trauma you may or may not be aware of. That stress is what is keeping a fight or flight hormone on high 24 hours a day, when really it should almost never be on high. That hormone is adrenaline.  That hormone is also dehydrating your body. Your critical concern should be on knowing how to hydrate your tissue cells — not just your body — but specifically tissue cells. Did you know that inside your brain cells consist of about 85% water/fluid? The reason why your cells are dehydrated is because they are corrupted with toxic deposits, such as heavy metals, including unbound iron, making them unable to “breathe”/function properly. A quick way to fix this dehydration problem is by sipping water — not just any water: hot water. One or two sips of hot water every half an hour throughout the day will cleanse and rehydrate your tissue cells. It will also make you lose excess weight safely. (Water should be boiled for 20 minutes, then stored in a stainless thermos to keep/remain hot.)

Additionally, you should be consuming at least four (4) cup of regular — preferably spring — water throughout the day. Stay away from caffeine; and even decaffeinated coffee. Decaffeinated beans can be more acidic than caffeinated. This can create the onset of a host of health problems, including quadrupling the risk of rheumatoid arthritis.

Instead, drink Ojibwa tea — hot. Research this tea — this alone can significantly improve the conditions created by fibromyalgia.

Turmeric with coconut oil will help remineralize your cells, as well as re-oxygenate them. Turmeric is particularly full of rich macronutrients, such as magnesium, and micronutrients, such as copper, which makes it work so well. You may also want to add magnesium in a concentrated form by taking magnesium malate. This form of magnesium works particularly well for those suffering from fibromyalgia.

There are studies showing CoEnzyme Q10 (or its reduced form, Ubiquinol) reducing levels of lipid peroxidation and pro-oxidative markers in the serum of the blood; in addition to reducing fatigue, pain and soreness. CoEnzyme Q10 (Ubiquinone) and its reduced form, Ubiquinol, are molecules naturally produced in the body, known to have antioxidant effects on a cellular, mitochondrial level. It helps in creating ATP, thus boosting systematic overall energy.

Pau d’arco and olive leaf extract are also two of the most effective natural antibiotics in the world, destroying a plethora of pathogens (beware of the Herxheimer-reaction though, which may last less than one week or up to two weeks).

Consider also getting more vitamin D naturally by exposing much of your skin to the sun at least at the right time. Sunrise or sunset are great times to expose your naked eyes to the sun, while between the hours of 10:30 AM and 3 PM are the best times to expose your skin, including chest and stomach, to the sun’s UV-B rays. Consider also supplementing vitamin D found naturally in mushrooms and lichens.

It will not hurt also to increase your intake of natural vitamin C found particularly in amla (berries) or acerola (berry) — my two favorite sources. Natural vitamin C helps heal inflammation, thereby reducing oxidized LDL cholesterol. Natural vitamin C also contains an enzymatic form of copper, which gives our bodies an electrical boost. Centenarians are known to have high levels of copper.

Avoid aspartame, tobacco (products), fish oil, flaxseed (oil), gluten, chia seeds, iron supplements, high-fructose corn-syrup, ascorbic acid and any type of pharmaceutical medicines (if you can): these all exacerbate fibromyalgia.

So in summary, to help alleviate the symptoms of fibromyalgia:

– sip hot water

– drink more spring or filtered water

– avoid caffeine and decaffeinated coffee

– drink Ojibwa tea

– take turmeric with coconut oil

– add magnesium malate

– take a good brand of Ubiquinol

– try pau d’arco and olive leaf extract

– find sources of natural vitamin D, including sunlight, mushrooms and lichens

– try natural vitamin C found in amla or acerola berry and

– avoid harmful products.




Ovarian Cyst: What Culprit is Behind it?


Cysts are sac-like fluid formed on the ovary/ovaries. Differing in types and specific location, the most common forms of ovarian cysts are follicle cysts. Cysts in general develop as a result of severe lymph congestion. Example, ovarian cyst form when there is lymphatic congestion in the cysterna chyli vessels located in the abdominal cavity. Cysts are formed to protect the nearby organ/tissue from the acidity caused by the unhealthy toxins produced by foods being digested/metabolized, namely dairy, eggs, vegetable-oils, trans-fats like margarine, and the highly praised omega 3 fatty acids.

If you have a cyst, then most likely there is congestion of your liver and gallbladder with gallstones also. To effect healing your body, we will need to start with what we believe are the most important, to least important.
1. Cleanse your liver and gallbladder.
a. Eat one orange (or more) per day around 9-11 am. This clears excess estrogen. Oranges are most digestible in the mornings at this time period.
b. Use TUDCA after meals. This bile acid will help clear the gallstones/gall-sludge.
c. Take the ayurvedic herb called kutki. It will process healing your liver.

2. Decongest your lymphatic system. Either Red Root or Manjistha are good for unclogging the lymphatic system.

3. Clear your body of excess sulfur. Excess sulfur causes your body to hold unto heavy metals. Molybdenum will clear excess sulfur. Take 6 times the normal dose for about two weeks. (Keep in mind that molybdenum can interfere with copper absorption, so you will need to make sure you’re getting enough copper-rich food, like oysters; or you’re supplementing with ionic copper.)

4. Clear your body of heavy metals. Modified Citrus Pectin will bind to these heavy metals, increasing the body’s ability to eliminate them through the digestive tract.

5. Destroy pathogens. Pau d’arco tea and olive leaf extract are excellent natural antibiotics to destroy pathogens, including resistant bugs.

6. Reduce bloating. P5P — the active co-enzyme form of vitamin B6 — will reduce edema.

7. Clear congestion and infection in your head. A few drops of 3% food-grade hydrogen peroxide in each ear once or twice per year will aid in this effect.

8. Boil water for 20 minutes. Put in thermos, and take hot one or two sips every half an hour, throughout the day, to cleanse your internal organs/tissues on a cellular level.

Ovarian cysts are most often caused by consuming dairy — specifically milk products, such as milk itself, cheese and ice cream. This then thickens mucus. This then clogs the lymphatic system, which is responsible for draining and removing metabolic wastes and dead cellular debris. It’s interesting to note that all milk contains pus.
Sea kelp is good for this condition as well. Also is detoxified iodine temporarily. If you have hyperthyroidism, you should avoid iodine to prevent your thyroid from swelling. In this case, you will want to add more food-sourced selenium and natural vitamin C. To speed up healing, we must emphasize:

1. Avoid dairy. This may prevent ovarian cysts in the first place.

2. Manjistha — as mentioned — is an ayurvedic herb that will unclog the lymphatic system, thereby eventually dissolving the cyst, and other ailments, caused by congestion.

3. Increase your copper intake. Most female problems are initiated by insufficient copper levels. Copper regulates hormonal balance. Good sources of natural copper include organic bee pollen, amla or acerola berry, oysters, and organic grass-fed/ grass-finished liver.